Yesterday, I wrote about the vary sad state of Mitsubishi Cars. Well, there is another Japanese Car Brand that has been available here in North America for some time and that is Suzuki. The lineup is starting to look a bit stale, with nothing new since the Kizashi mid-size sedan. Take a look and see if you agree with me.
The Grand Vitara is still available, and it is going on eight years old in its current configuration. This is more of a truck based SUV than any of the competition like the RAV-4, or the CR-V, which means it will perform better off road, at the cost of a smooth ride while on road.
This is the Suzuki Kizashi sedan that was used for the IIHS Side Impact test, and it smacks as a desperation move on the part of Suzuki. Sure, it may stand up to the rigors of the test, but you never really want to create a display based on it. My take? Suzuki needed to take up room at the display.
The Kizashi is an attractive car, with a whole lotta Volkswagen influence. However, in an age in which the Loreans and the Americans are introducing better designs, with world class power, interesting looks, and competitive pricing, Suzuki needs to get its act together to update its entire line.
This is the Suzuki Equator, which is nothing more than a Nissan Frontier with a different grill. It is such a desperate move for Suzuki, and the sales numbers are rather dismal. This truck is equipped with the RMZ Offroad Sport Package, but look at the l=following image. It is the decal they used to show this truck is equipped with the package. Notice it’s one color, and can be used on any Equator so equipped, no matter what color.
I really doubt if you will see Suzuki here in the country much longer (I give them five years), but I am only one voice. What do you think?
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