NONWICK: My 1967 Ford Mustang Project – The Real Part 1

This is the real part one for my 1967 Ford Mustang. I’ve already introduced the car, but it’s time to actually get started. You can’t finish if you don’t start. So I started and I’m diving right the hell in… but ripping out the wiring. My plan is to rewire the car using the kit from Painless or Autowire.

With most of the wiring out of the way, I can then start draining fluids and disconnecting engine and transmission connection points. Because my next step is to pull this I6 and this C4 and put them on Craiglist with a dirt cheap asking price. They do work, but they also need love. So rather than just junk it all, I could try and get a few bucks for them. Someone out there needs the parts, I’m sure of it. Just not me.

With the wiring removed, I can no longer turn the car on to move it around. This means it won’t run again until I fix it. And if ever there was a motivating factor to get going, it’s that. I’ve created a Mustang-shaped brick that takes up a lot of space in my garage, and I don’t want it to stay that way forever.

You can’t finish, if you never start. Let’s go!

(I’m terrified…)

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