Last Call: Time for a home-built car quarantine project?

Hyundai has cooked up a soapbox car. It’s pretty cool looking but the neat part is that you can build one for yourself at home. Here’s a link to Hyundai’s how-to-do-it:

We’d recommend putting something a bit softer on that seat. It looks like splinter city. The rest is pretty sweet though.

Last Call indicates the end of Hooniverse’s broadcast day. It’s meant to be an open forum for anyone and anything. Thread jacking is not only accepted, it’s encouraged.

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22 responses to “Last Call: Time for a home-built car quarantine project?”

  1. neight428 Avatar

    Had the same idea to do a soapbox car back in March when this all started, still waiting for everything to open back up so I had a little scope creep. Had to reuse some old Trans Am wheels, but otherwise it’s rounding out nicely.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Cool Mustang, bro.

      1. neight428 Avatar

        It’s no Arachnid.

    2. 0A5599 Avatar

      I like the revised proportions and scale of the screaming chicken on the hood. Very subtle, unlike the lip on the trunk.

      It appears to be not tracking straight down the road. What’s your vector, Victor?

      1. Victor~~ Avatar

        Running 75 MPH on the I-90

  2. 0A5599 Avatar

    “We’d recommend putting something a bit softer on that seat. It looks like splinter city.”

    My kid ran in the Super Stock division in at local Soap Box Derby events for a couple years. Those cars don’t have seats–only a floorboard. Most racers would sit on a piece of foam rubber. This was not only for comfort purposes, but also as an aerodynamic aid; the lower back of a hunched-over kid does a better job of blocking the cockpit opening and keeping the wind out of the inside of the car when he or she is sitting up a little higher.

    Anyway, last week he joined his university’s Formula SAE team.

  3. Wayne Moyer Avatar
    Wayne Moyer

    Maybe it’s time for a reverse Local Motors. A crowd sourced car that can be 3D printed at home while a large amount of people are stuck there.

  4. Batshitbox Avatar

    Bringing me back to my days running with the San Francisco Illegal Soapbox Society. This film dates from before the time of YouTube, before PBR Beer was cool, and about two years before I started running a tadpole trike made of moped wheels (nicked from my messenger company) and square tube with no welded joints.

    This shit’s so f-ing Gen-X that Puck is in it; and a luge board! Cheers to the Sony Handycam! Mag tape’s gonna make a comeback, yo!

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Can you please email me more about this? This is worthy of its own post. Also PUCK! haha

      1. Batshitbox Avatar

        Sure! Is tips at hooniverse still a viable channel? I haven’t got any other social media accounts.

        1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
          Jeff Glucker

 works just fine. But I get the tips emails too.

          1. 0A5599 Avatar

            I always have a childish snicker when you mention that there is a dedicated address for tips.

    2. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      This is serious nostalgia overload in this video, holy shit. Everyone looks like they’re fronting a different period-appropriate band and I’m down with it. I was 13 in 1993.

  5. ptschett Avatar

    Now I’m remembering I never did finish the draw-a-Porsche 911 (or whatever code of “Porsche that has a badge that says 911 or Carrera” that corresponds to the car you chose to draw) thing back when we were a solid month into the 15 Days To Slow The Spread. Building a thing seems like a bit more commitment.

  6. Sjalabais Avatar

    Hyundai is killing it lately…*coughs violently*

    Came across this photo, what is that truck with the slightly droopy looking face?:

    1. ptschett Avatar

      Dude’s riding a bicycle while somehow simultaneously balancing a propane tank & a watermelon on his head, so it’s a parallel universe where Ford built medium-duty trucks with parts resembling the US F-series ’80-’96 cab and ’97-’03 headlights. Gonna guess south of the equator in either Argentina/Chile or toward the south end of Africa.

      1. Maymar Avatar

        Could still be Argentina/Chile, but Ford Brazil definitely built a truck like that;

        1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
          Jeff Glucker

          It’s hilarious to have the hood slope down like that since here in the States the truck owner would want it squared off and big as hell.

          1. Sjalabais Avatar

            Which, in itself, is a very odd desire, as it decreases visibility and often isn’t even necessary to hide the engine.

            I really like the look of that thing above. Very utilitarian, but with buckets of personality, too. Could be Russian.

  7. crank_case Avatar

    Found on Reddit, felt it would… here

    1. Fuhrman16 Avatar

      Pretty sure that car ran in one of the recent Lemons rallies. Or was it the Gambler 500?
      EDIT: Yep, it was the Gambler 500.