It looks like we are developing quite a following around the world, and as proof, we received this tip from Frederic (Thanks Man!) from Sweden. It’s a great followup to our own Longroofian’s post about the VW Winterjam, and it is a local listing for a 1971 Volkswagen 1302 Beetle Sedan. According to the translated ad:
The car runs perfect, has only 7000 mil, new tires and new battery. model year 1971. Answer only by phone, ask for Marianne. For sale to the highest bidder.
If I read the ad correctly, the selling price for this VW will be between $1,000 and $1,200 (7,000 – 7,500 SEK). So what do you think this cl(ass)y VW should go for? See the listing here.
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