Many many fine guesses today that ranged from the hopelessly optimistic (jthomp: $0. It got thrown out!) to the unique (.357: $959.87-You can see why I picked those numbers.) to the trollish (mk2441: what do you have a guilty conscience or something. your a retard and you made a blog about it).
However, as the Toyota Highlander declares-“there can be only one…”
Hop the jump for a photo showing the fine, the name of the winner, and a picture of their prize.The winner is RideWithWes who guessed $825! Congrats Mr. RideWithWes! The amazing fact… he was off by ONE DOLLAR! If we had two showcases, you would get them both.
My fine is $826.00…
Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six US Dollars. I have nothing to complain about though since I was hauling ass and got nailed. Don’t hoon the lines if you can’t pay the fines…
Ok RideWithWes, shoot an email over to with your name,address, and t-shirt size. You have won the chance to pay a percentage of my fine a Hooniverse T-Shirt!
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