Hyundai has invited a gaggle of automotive scribes to the sunny clime of La Jolla, California. The reason? To sample the all-new Elantra, Elantra GT, and Veloster Turbo. Yours truly will be in attendance, along with some other familiar names that you read across the various sites on these ‘ole Intertubes. I’m not going to be focused solely on the latest crop of Korean goodness, however, because another site has just thrown down the gauntlet.’s own Derek Kreindler, the sausage king of Toronto, has created the TTAC Media Challenge. Basically, anyone who thinks they can handle themselves on an indoor go-kart track can step to the plate. There can be only one winner, and all the losers will donate $25 to the charity of the Highlander’s winner’s choice.
Notable participants will include the aforementioned Canuck Kid,’s Blake Zee “I-don’t-know-right-from” Rong, Autoblog’s Steven Ewing, possibly someone from the pop culture/SEO farm called Jalop-something, Matt “Weight Penalty” Farah from, and a few others.
I’ll be there as well… and I plan on making a certain dog rescue charity quite happy.
[Source: TTAC | Image: Applied Machete]
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