So, how many Hoons noticed that there were regularly updated Weekend Posts? You say you were unaware that there is a Weekend Edition? Well, you’re not alone, so as a public service to all the Hoons out there, here is a re-cap of this past Hooniverse Weekend Edition.
We had a very classy post by our own Ambersand, who detailed a very nice Challenger that was recently on Ebay. Missed it? Well, here’s your chance to see it again by clicking here.
We received a tip from friend of Hooniverse Paul about a couple of lifted sports cars that were found on Craigslist. Read the post here.
There was a time in which I wrote for another blog called Car Throttle, and I wanted to re-visit a posting I did on that site about a car that was sold to a Russian on-line. Turns out that the car was re-built with documentation! Read that posting here.
Audi was on the lookout for the last Horch built, and this post re-visits that journey of discovery.
I finally made a new DieselFumes posting during the weekend, highlighting the new Scania R730, with a 730 HP Diesel, producing about 4,745 ft.lbs of torque! Read the posting here.
Car Lust ran a posting with a poll highlighting 70’s Coupes. These coupes were the Capri, the Manta, the Mazda RX-3, The Toyota Celica, and the VW Scirocco. Rediscover these cars here.
At the close of Saturday, I ran a Last Call edition in which I thumbed through some of the images that are rolling around on my laptop. Some of them are Blog related, some are Work related, some are questionable. Read this post here.
On Sunday I opened with a posting I saw from Jen Dunnaway over at CarDomain. The posting describes a Corvair that is no longer a Corvair. What? Read the posting here.
One of our newest columnist, BZR, did a great posting on an Audi R8 Spyder ad, which utilized dozens of “Rat Rods”. Didn’t see it? Go here to take a look!
I did another DieselFumes posting on Sunday, this time I snagged a couple of You Tube Videos showcasing a 1967 Kenworth with a 2 Stroke Detroit Diesel, and a 13 Speed Fuller transmission. The noise is intoxicating, so go take a look for yourself.
The boys over at BangShift did a posting about the Historic National Stock Car Association, and you wouldn’t believe the images. This is when Stock Cars were cool. Missed the post? Go here to take a look.
A Web Site I have quite an association with (besides Hooniverse) is Automotive Traveler, and Rich Truesdell did an excellent piece in the 1973 – 1978 GMC Motorhome. Remember that thing? If not, go here to re-visit the posting.
My last weekend post was to ask the readers if they believed that GM Re-payed their loans to the Government. My take? Why not just read the posting.
The last post for the weekend was from our own BZR. It was great, so why not take a look here. Will we have another Hooniverse Weekend Edition? Well, come back here next weekend, and find out.
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