Hooniverse Weekend Edition: 10 Awesome Gadgets to Annoy Other Road Users

Isn’t it annoying when someone swerves out in front of you on the road? Do you find yourself thinking up a million ways to really irritate them? This list is from the Train Horn Blog (Gee, there’s a blog for almost everything!) and thanks to Amy (Thanks, Amy!) we can now read all about these Awesome and Annoying Gadgets….

So that I won’t spoil the entire post over there, I will just list the highlights: The 10 Awesome Gadgets to Annoy Other Road Users are:
1. LED Car Signal
2. A Car Horn That Can Be Heard 9 Miles Away
3. Star Trek Horn
4. Software That Can Disable Cars
5. Bicycle Horn Honks at 115db – That’s Jet Plane Loud
6. Pimp Your Honk with Horntones
7. The Bike to Destroy Other Road Users
8. The Car Exhaust That Can Shatter Glass
9. A car stereo that can kill you?
10. Avalanche Causing Train Horn

Most of the list has videos that illustrate how awesome they are. Well, maybe not all that awesome, as this may be just another lame list. Oh what the hell, enjoy it anyway.

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  1. CptSevere Avatar

    I'm bad. I've actually devoted some thought to this subject. Whenever I drive the Road Condo, my '64 Chevy motorhome on a trip, it seems like at night on two-lane roads through the mountains, truckers like to ride right up onto my rear bumper and stay there. I'm rowing the granny-low four speed transmission and the 350 is being fed through all four Edelbrock barrels, but I can never seem to shake the damn truckers. I have enough experience with large trucks to know that if I have to stop short, I'll have a Peterbuilt sitting in my kitchen, so I'm sweating bullets while this goes on. Now, I have a small backup light under the bumper with a switch on the dashboard, but I swear I'm going to install a pair of KC Highlighters right below the roof, at Kenworth windshield height. Tailgate me, you'll get a suntan. I'll have two switches, a momentary to blip the lights to warn them off, and a regular on/off switch for backup light duty. I'm serious. This idea will piss off Coupe Z600, he's a trucker, but his less professional brethren have this coming.

    1. FЯeeMan Avatar

      My dad had a '63 Chevy Suburban that came without backup lights. A quick trip to the farm store netted a couple of tractor headlights, some wire & a toggle switch. Holes in the roof, lots of silicone to seal it up (it did leak from time to time, more silicone fixed 'er right up), some wire along the ceiling, under the dash and up to the toggle switch mounted on the gear shift, and, Voila! backup lights.
      Of course, when being tailgated at night (the beast was doing good to get to 55mph downhill with a tailwind), a little flip of the switch got the bumper cleaned right off.
      I'd say, go for it!

    2. coupeZ600 Avatar

      I hear where you're coming from, but please don't try this….
      Tail-gating is Bull-S**t, and even though most of you may or may not realize it, those Drivers are called on it either over the Radio or at the Truck-Stop. It's wrong, it makes us all look bad, and 99 percent of all Drivers will get pissed and call the cops when we see aggressive driving by one of our own. You just don't do that, that's why you're getting paid to Drive and all the other people have to pay someone (Insurance companies, DMV for Titles and Plates and Registration, the Qwik-E-Mart for the fuel) simply for the privilege.
      That being said, what is happening in your instance is probably one of these things;
      1). They are a total dumb-ass (Sorry about that)
      2). They have figured out that RV's (no matter how ultra-cool yours is) are harbingers of doom, and need to passed at any cost.
      3). This is the one I (and many other professional driver's) am guilty of. I know the Road and where the passing zones are, so I'll lay way back and then come up on your ass like a thundering herd and pass you in an instant, but if the stars aren't aligned just right (somebody coming the other way), it'll seem like I was trying to ram you, but I certainly had no intention of doing such thing, I just wanted to get around.

      1. CptSevere Avatar

        No, I haven't installed those lights, it's just a bad idea at this point. I realize that the trucker just wants to pass me, and I'll cooperate by pulling way over and slowing down when possible, letting him by, then flashing the high beams when it's safe for him to pull over. Yeah, I can relate to RV's being seen as rolling roadblocks and death-boxes, I see all kinds of rigs during Snowbird Season being driven by complete dumbasses who should be limited to driving Prii, and then only during daylight hours. I'm sure that truckers watch like a hawk for them, and give them a wide berth. I would, too.
        I imagine the best way to get the bad truckers off my ass would be to install a CB, keep it on channel 19, and tell the offender to back off until I can find a safe place to give him room to pass.

        1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

          This is the one I (and many other professional driver's) am guilty of. I know the Road and where the passing zones are, so I'll lay way back and then come up on your ass like a thundering herd and pass you in an instant, but if the stars aren't aligned just right (somebody coming the other way), it'll seem like I was trying to ram you, but I certainly had no intention of doing such thing, I just wanted to get around.
          I do this on a smaller scale with my Volvo, given the lack of power – I'll back the hell off so I can get a good run up, then shoot past once I get enough momentum; however, with said Volvo, I can also slow down quickly enough so as not to seriously worry the driver ahead.
          And yes, I think I'd use the CB – if the guy's a dick to you then, he'll get called on it by someone else on the channel, I'd imagine. The lights might be justified then, sure, but you risk pissing someone off who's already proven himself to be an unstable bag of assholes.

  2. Maymar Avatar

    It's not an awesome gadget, but some people must have something installed in their car to make it magnetically attracted to the middle or left lane. Pisses me right the hell off, but there's no way that someone's that moronic, right?
    I've often contemplated switching out for that shrill Italianesque horn though, the kind you might find on a Ferrari or Lamborghini. I figure that'd do a better job of getting everyone else's attention. Until then, I get by with lots of horn, high-beams, and middle fingers, and the willingness to be an asshole to those who are totally oblivious (I've done my fair share of passing on the right just to get in front of someone to make a left turn).

  3. dmilligan Avatar

    I want a steerable Vulcan minigun that fires out through my grille. And a 40mm grenade launcher mounted to the rear bumper. I like simple.

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