Its another Monday, so it must be time for another Classic Caption Contest here at Hooniverse. This is the feature in which I find images throughout the web that the car companies have used in their advertisements and brochures. It’s your job to come up with a humorous or snarky caption that fits the image. The editors at Hooniverse have seen an increase in readership, and I think its time that you show us what you got, and come up with a great comment to this weeks picture. This week you are all playing for a Hartford Freightliner Baseball Cap that I received from somewhere (Can’t seem to recall where though…)
Last weeks image was of a Beach full of beautiful people, and most of the comments were rather humorous. This week it was the musings of Devin who wrote the winning entry:
“Remember when a mustache and a ’70s van would attract women instead of scaring them away? Pepperidge Farm remembers.”
Congratulations Devin on winning the Cap. Send me an e-mail telling me where to send it.
It’s now time to take a look at this weeks illustration. It is a Brochure image for the 1977 Mercury Monarch in a setting that I feel is the local Tennis Club. There is a handsome guy that is lurking about in his dapper Mercury, and two young women are engaging in conversation. So, what do you think they are talking about? Could the women be admiring this man’s new Monarch? Could the man be convincing as a tennis coach? Do you think the women are buying his lines? (From the look on their faces, I’m betting they are not!) And once again, what does any of this have to do with car advertising? Only you can answer these questions and more. (You can click here to see the full size image)
You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will then figure how to make the moves on young tennis hardbodies without looking as sad as this clown… then again, maybe not. When we have the time we will award one of you lucky people with Baseball Cap. So dazzle us with your brilliance.
Lead Image courtesy of The Old Car Manual Project
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