It’s Monday, and once again it must be time for the Hooniverse Classic Caption Contest. This is a feature we have that our fans participate in to see if they can match a catchy, snarky, or humorous caption to the image that I supply. These images are found throughout the web, and to see if you guys are on top of your game, I’m offering another Freightliner Ball Cap to the winner of this week’s challenge Last week, we had an image of a Pride of Lions and an LTD, and most of the comments were rather humorous. Once again, we had a winning comment that was accompanied with an image that is posted to the right. The winner this week was smalleyxb122, and posted this great caption:
“A pride of lions and the Ford LTD ad campaign: Name two things that benefit from a slow gnus day.”
Congratulations smalleyxb122, and remember to e-mail with information as to where to send your prize. It’s now time to take a look at this weeks illustration. It is an brochure image from the Dodge division of Chrysler, and it illustrated a 1977 Dodge Tradesman Van with the “Street Van” package with some aftermarket graphics. The setting is a Beach somewhere depicting handsome young men and beautiful young women enjoying a sing-along. So, how long do you think this party will be going on before they split into partnerships and do whatever beautiful people do in a van? Can’t you just smell the Mary J in the air? When can I rub suntan oil on the Blonde in the White Bikini? (You can click on the image to see it full sized) You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will then watch Annette Funicello, and Frankie Avalon in Beach Blanket Bingo just to get into the mood, and when all our brain cells are gone, we will then decide which comment deserves the prize. Remember, enter often, and thanks for playing. Lead Image Courtesy of The Old Car Manual Project.
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