Check Engine Light in a first-gen Montero

Hooniverse Asks: What’s bugging you about YOUR project car right now?

It’s been far too long since I’ve provided any updates with respect to my project cars. The one that gives me the least trouble recently had an issue. Well, technically, the Benz wagon gives me the least issues at the moment but I’m talking about the Mitsubishi Montero right now. While driving on the freeway, I noticed the radio cut out and then turned back on and the dashcam also wasn’t running. Then I looked over at my Voltage gauge and saw it slowly dropping. My alternator was actively dying but I made it to my destination. Then I had a friend come grab me so I could get a fresh battery and use that to get home and park the truck while I waited for a new alternator.

The alternator arrived and I had it installed. But after that, the truck was tougher to start and I now have a check engine light illuminated. The entire time I’ve owned the truck it’s never come on, and it’s a truck that always starts on the first twist of the key. So I had to dive back in and figure this out. This was the first time I used a voltmeter to read an OBD I error code. And that code told me the coolant temp sensor had also given up.

So I ordered one of those, waited a bit for it to arrive, and set out swapping that out. A few drops of coolant on the ground later, and the sensor is in. The truck starts more easily but it still takes a few twists of the key for that very first startup. And then the CEL comes on after a minute of driving. So now I’m in the process of putting 50-100 miles on the truck to see if the code clears itself, or if I still have something going on. I think the wiring into the sensor might be shit, so I may have to clean that up as well. But otherwise, the Montero runs totally fine. I just hate seeing that red light staring me in the face. And I want to get it back to a truck that always fires on the first twist.

I’ve also got Jag stuff to talk about, but I’ll save that for later this week as I’ve got an appointment with the smog folks…

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8 responses to “Hooniverse Asks: What’s bugging you about YOUR project car right now?”

  1. Batshitbox Avatar

    My project car is a 40,000 pound “vintage luxury” RV, so it’s a target rich environment for gremlins, bugs and glitches.

    I’d have to say it’s the New Hampshire DMV that’s the biggest thorn in my side right now. NH doesn’t issue titles for vehicles made before 1999. Which is fine, NH, you do you. Unfortunately NH doesn’t even bother to invalidate the previous title should you bring a pre-’99 vehicle into the White Mountain State, as the previous owner of my Wanderlodge did.

    So when I go to the California DMV (did I tell you I went to two different CA DMVs in one day?) they tell me I have to produce the Virginia title for my bus. Which New Hampshire shredded. But didn’t tell Virginia they had.

    Now I get to wake up at 4:30 AM west coast time so I can call NH DMV at 8:00 east coast time and ask them to please follow up with Virginia, as they are the last link in the chain of possession. No, really, I’ve done this once already.

    I grew up in New England, and everybody in all of the other states looks at New Hampshire as if to say, “What went wrong there?” like it’s a patch of lawn where nothing will grow. They’re the only NE state with no legal access to marijuana. And that includes Connecticut for Pete’s sake. Connecticut is the cool uncle.

    1. wunno sev Avatar
      wunno sev

      the “live free or die” state won’t let you smoke a blunt in your own backyard?

    2. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      I don’t even like CT but I get what you’re saying.

      Also “did I tell you I went to two different CA DMVs in one day?” that’s hell on Earth. Do you AAA? Can you go into one and have them do all their magic for you?

      If I ever engine-swapped the Montero, I considered registering at my mom’s house in NH… maybe I’ll rethink that.

  2. wunno sev Avatar
    wunno sev

    my MBZ 190D seems incapable of breaking. i do practically no maintenance – just oil, sometimes – and it keeps running. can’t imagine how the previous owners knocked out so many of its systems, but gauges, AC, and door locks are things i can do without. it’s a tough little beast.

    one thing that has bothered me since i got it is the steering play. down significantly since i replaced the tie rods, center link, and all the bushings and bearings. but there is still an inch or so dead zone in the wheel. adjusting the steering box didn’t take it out. changing to a small diameter steering wheel masked the problem, and the handling is generally pretty good now. but i still wish it were better.

    i also wish it weren’t so damn slow. 72 hp is funny for a while but this car is begging for a motor swap.

    1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
      Jeff Glucker

      Same in the Montero – I heard the actual steering gear bit is so worn at this point. Would love to tighten it up still though.

  3. Maymar Avatar

    Big challenge is just finding it. Which is to say, I need to buy something (a runabout for my wife), but finding time to buy something is difficult, especially when anything worthwhile gets snapped up within a day or two of hitting the market, and we’re trying to keep it cheaper. I’m sure whatever that is will take a bit of work to pass safety, but somehow having a car sitting in my driveway unlicensed for a month or two (and chipping away at problems bit by bit) is much, much less daunting than finding a couple hours to just go get the thing.

  4. Salguod Avatar

    I guess I have 3 project cars, I just happen to try to daily 2 of them. 🤣

    The biggest frustration now is that spring is approaching and the Boxster is still non-operational with a no crank condition. I’m on the home stretch of the bathroom remodel, so it should get some attention soon.

    Meanwhile, I’m dailying the Tundra with a bad RH front spring and slowly chewing up the RH front tire. New springs are here, but I want the Boxster driveable before I tackle it.

    Then there’s the Thunderbird that has gotten precious little attention since I started dailying old project cars. It really needs some love. Maybe this year?

  5. Vonline Avatar

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