Yesterday, I received an M18 battery in the mail. I’ve made my choice and I’m going to stay within the Milwaukee family of tools. That means more M12 and M18 batteries are in my future. Especially when I need good power to move a lot of air. Which is the case with the tool that also arrived shortly after the M18 extended life battery; the Milwaukee wet-dry vac. And I’m unreasonably excited about it.
Now, let’s get this straight right away – this isn’t a paid ad or post. We’d call that out with a disclaimer. Instead, I spent my own dough on this (Wow, what a noble journalist!) and stared at the tracking updates until it arrived. Now I can vacuum my car whenever I want! And why am I so excited about that?!
Maybe it’s part of getting older. You get amped about different things in life. And today, as I’m a few months away from turning 40, that means I get fucking PUMPED to own my own portable, cordless wet-dry vac.
What tool or device are you excited about right now? Also, if Milwaukee is listening – I’d love to turn this into a paid post. Hit me up…
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