Hooniverse Asks: Did you ever wish you could take your own vehicle on vacation?

It’s been extra quiet around here lately because I’ve had a bit of a vacation. Recently, I spent some time on the islands of Maui and then Kauai. I enjoy both of those places and the rental car I had on either one was fine. Still, I wish I had my Montero with me when I was over there. It’s a great truck for island life, and it would’ve been fun to have with me. But unless you’re packing serious cash, you’re not taking a vehicle with you on a trip that requires plane travel. It’s expensive to bring luggage, imagine how much it would be to ship a vehicle!? That doesn’t mean I didn’t daydream about having my own personal vehicle with me.

Have you ever thought about taking a vehicle with you on vacation? No, I don’t mean camping. I mean on an actual trip away. Which vehicle and where?

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5 responses to “Hooniverse Asks: Did you ever wish you could take your own vehicle on vacation?”

  1. OA5599 Avatar

    Sure. It’s called a road trip.

  2. mdharrell Avatar

    I’ve considered the idea of taking a road trip across Canada while towing my KV Mini 1 just so I can drive it onto the ferry from Fortune, NL, to Saint Pierre and Miquelon, in order to do a couple of laps around the streets of Saint-Pierre. Because France.

  3. Maymar Avatar

    I enjoy rental cars just for the opportunity to drive something different. If anything, there’s times I wished I had my motorcycle, just because rentals are so expensive. My bike is terrible, but it’d still be more fun than most reasonably priced rental cars.

  4. wunno sev Avatar
    wunno sev

    you can! i just ran into some Swiss tourists who had just picked their VW van up from the port in Oxnard, CA and were on a cross-country road trip. they seemed nervous when i opened the window, until i asked if they were traveling. hope i gave them some warm fuzzies as they started their journey.

    i also remember seeing a 205 GTI with French plates right around summer 2020. funny time for a trip, i thought.

  5. Salguod Avatar

    When I was a valet in college in the 90s a woman checked in to the hotel and was driving her RHD Ford Sierra. She was going to be in the US for a long time so she brought her car. From England.