The other day, I asked if you were trying to buy a car right now. Some of you are considering it. Others are waiting to see what sort of deals are out there. While others know your current car is good for another decade or so. So there’s a range of buyers, fence-sitters, and contented folks out there. What about the other side of the coin though? Who is trying to sell a car right now?
Do you have a vehicle listed for sale? If so, what is it? And have you seen any interest?
I’m curious about what the atmosphere is like out there for those trying to sell used vehicles right now. The new car market ebbs and flows, but we all have a good idea of what’s going on there based on the current economic and global situation. On the used side, however, it’s a very different discussion. Some cars might be poised to move while others could fall stagnant. Bring-A-Trailer, for example, is seeing strong auction action. That doesn’t mean things are selling where they might be expected but metal is most definitely still being moved.
So are you trying to sell a vehicle right now? Let us know below.
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