The other day we learned about some interesting video game news. Michelin has teamed up with Gran Turismo to deliver an even more engaging racing sim experience. Later today, our man Kamil Kaluski will share his conversation with Gran Turismo hero Kazunori Yamauchi. He also sat down with Michelin Vice President Scott Clark.
Before we get to all of that, I’m curious to hear how many of you are still playing video games?
I myself still enjoy the digital entertainment. I haven’t been on the Gran Turismo train for a few years since I jumped ship for XBox and Forza. I do want to pickup the latest Playstation system, however, and see where Gran Turismo is at today.
I also play a handful of other games, and I’m excited for the arrival of a few more later this year (Cyberpunk 2077 and Outer Worlds, looking at you two).
Are you still playing automotive video games? Let us know, below.
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