Our bags are packed, pre-flight. Zero-hour… um, sometime tomorrow at like seven-ish. It’s that time again for Hooniverse to dive head first into the Big Apple and take in the all the shiny new metal shown at the 2013 New York Auto Show. We have something special in store this year, however, and it involves you.
Well, it involves you if you live close enough to come join us at a bar and down some drinks. On Wednesday March 27th, we’re teaming up with our friends at Blipshift, and we’re hunkering down to take over a portion of SMITHFIELD (215 W 28th St, between 7th Ave & 8th Ave) from 6pm until 8pm (or until they kick us out, whichever comes first).
The Blipshift crew will have stickers and maybe a few bonus gifts on hand. I’m bringing… um, Kamil, and maybe a few stickers as well. But you don’t care about the gifts, I know you just want to talk cars and booze – so if you’re in the area COME ON DOWN and help us unwind after a day faking nice-nice with all the other “journalists”!
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