For Sale: Our Hooniverse calendars – now with fancy DISCOUNT!

Hoonivese calendar

This splendid beast is the image you’d see for March if you purchased a Hooniverse Calendar. If you haven’t yet done so you cheap SOBs then you’re in luck, because we’re dropping the price. Right now, you can grab a calendar for just eight bucks. Calendar Digest calls this the “best deal in recent calendar history”, and Cal’s Compendium of Calendar Craft and Creation said “the Hooniverse Calendar has advanced the calendar movement into the future, by taking it to the past.”

Seriously, it’s a stunning work of … whatever Ray did to make it happen, and now it’s just eight bucks.

Click here to go buy one.

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7 responses to “For Sale: Our Hooniverse calendars – now with fancy DISCOUNT!”

  1. MVEilenstein Avatar

    Go buy one – seriously. They really are that good.
    I bought one at Christmas like a chump.

    1. danleym Avatar

      No kidding, I should have known better. Simple rule of automotive buying- you wait a little while, make the guy sweat, and he's more likely to drop the price. Of course, the trade off is that he might sell it to someone else. No reason why this can't apply to calendar purchases as well.
      Oh well, I got two more months of enjoyment out of it than any of you schmucks that waited.

      1. Jeff Glucker Avatar
        Jeff Glucker

        My calendar is sitting on my office wall, and I'm staring at a Tatra – that beats pretty much every other calendar.

        1. MVEilenstein Avatar

          After buying my copy, I ended up getting a Hemmings classic truck calendar for Christmas. Thinking about sharing the Hooniverse love with my brother.

          1. longrooffan Avatar

            hey vacation boy….check that Hemmings calendar a little closer and let this olelongrooffan know about events BEFORE they happen…okay? 🙂

          2. MVEilenstein Avatar

            That's what I get for taking vacation. My mind is still on the beach. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

  2. mdharrell Avatar

    If I send back January and February will you refund the difference?