eBay Motors is looking to celebrate what it calls the MotorLife. In its words it calls the idea “a celebration of the motorhead.” That is something we can get behind because it should cover some of the main bits of everything we love about our own Hooniverse. If it has wheels, we’re interested, and if it has an engine, that’s even better.
The goal of this movement is to, well the real goal is of course to get people to visit eBay Motors. I mean let’s be real here… it’s a marketing movement, but it’s one we can get behind if it really starts telling great stories that need to be told. The eBay Motors blog will be the hub of all of this action, where a number of folks while cover a wide range of events, project vehicle builds, and general automotive awesome.
Additionally, you can get in on the vehicular love fest by sharing your own stories on the eBay Motors blog comment section, through Facebook, and on Twitter. Yes, there’s a hashtag… it’s the hashtag era, get used to this. #MotorLife.
To prime the pump a bit, eBay Motors is having a contest. The prize is $1,000 to spend on parts on eBay Motors, and it runs each day through the 23rd of August (aka this Sunday). Head over to this Facebook page, post a picture, and tag it with #MotorLife and #eBayContest and whatever other zany/witty caption you can think of. Want to enter on Twitter instead? Go follow eBay on Twitter, then post a photo with #MotorLife and #eBayContest, and send it as a reply to @eBay. Non-Private Twitter accounts needed, please.
We know you need $1,000 to spend on parts, and maybe this is your ticket to getting that. Hell, some of you could find whole cars to buy for $1,000 (Helloooo LeMons!).
[This blog post was written as part of a collaboration with eBay]
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