Man that new 2015 Ford Mustang GT is pretty sweet right? Did you hear that Ford is making a limited-edition version, seeing as this is the 50th anniversary of the Mustang? Right, I know, technically last year was the 50th anniversary but shut up for a second because have I got a deal for you.
Kearny Pearson Ford in San Diego got their hands on one of the 1964 copies being offered up. These limited coupes start off with a base MSRP of just under $47,000. Somehow this one is apparently optioned up to have a price tag of just over $58,000. From there, the dealer felt that another $20,000 on top of the asking price should just about cover it.
If you’re curious, there are plenty of actual 1964 Ford Mustangs in excellent shape… and you could buy two of them, and have nearly enough cash left over for a Fiesta ST.
Dealer markups are a ridiculous practice, and I’m happy to point any and all of them out here on Hooniverse. If you pay this much for a car like this, you’re just as ridiculous as the dealership.
Enjoy the automatic gearbox that it’s equipped with…
[Source: Autotrader]
Dealer Crackpipe: An $80k 2015 Ford Mustang GT
they are probably doing this because special edition mustangs are super rare
That and they're probably cashing in on "early adopter syndrome," where someone always has to be the first on the block to own something super rare.
Maybe if it had a 50 year warranty and 50 years protection against depreciation…
These dealer markups get a lot of publicity online. Who said that every bit of PR is good PR? Maybe this strategy is a prime moron honeytrap™ and lots of people leave the dealer lot with "special low markup" Fusions?
Who do they think they are; an 80s Honda dealer?
It's the blue oval for people with more money than brains! I'd bet SoCal has a lot of them, too!
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Can't wait to see what they list a GT for.
Not impress, this the price you bought a v8 mustang in europe trough imports company.
Seams like the hype in 2005 when the retro mustang GT was lauched.
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