Father’s Day is nearly upon us. Here at Hooniverse HQ we’re all taking some time to reflect on the father figures in our own lives, and we want you to do the same. No, we don’t expect you to simply listen to our orders… so we’ve brought some prizes out, and we think you’re going to like what we have to offer. Courtesy of our friends at Meguiar’s, we’ve been given not one, not two, but three prize packages to give away. We’ll get into more detail on the prizes after the jump because now it’s time to explain the contest.
In the comments below this post we want to hear your stories about your fathers or your father figures. Not just any stories, of course, but the tales that turned you down the path of becoming the lover of all things automotive that you now travel along. Perhaps you have strong memories of spinning wrenches with the old man, or you remember that time your favorite uncle came over to show his newest automotive acquisition. Maybe your memory is instead of the time your pops busted up the family hauler and you two worked together to get it running right again. Whatever sticks out in your memory, that’s the story that we want to hear about.
We’re going to stick to the standard comment system of voting. Upvote your favorite stories, and that’s how we’ll determine 3rd, 2nd, and the 1st place winners. Now… let’s chat about the prizes, shall we?
The 3rd place winner will receive a three-pack of Meguiar’s Micro-fiber towels, a tube of Meguiar’s Black Wax, and a tube of Meguiar’s White Wax. The black stuff is for dark-colored cars and the white-stuff should be used on the lighter-colored machines. The towels are good for pretty much everything.
The 2nd place winner gets the same towel three-pack and the two tubes of wax, but we’re now adding in the new Dual Action Power System. This is a wax system that you attach to your drill, and it promises that you can wax your whole car in 30 minutes time. See? The video guy says so…
[youtube width=”720″ height=”405″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Uyj_NcKBo[/youtube]
For the person garnering the most upvotes on their story, we’re awarding you the 1st place winner package. Take a look at the image at the top of this story. That’s what you’re getting. It’s the three-pack of towels, the Dual Action Power System, and, instead of the two tubes of wax, you get the DA Compound, DA Liquid Wax, and DA Polishing kits that go with the Dual Action Power System. All told, this is probably worth about $3,502 dollars (or maybe it all retails for about $100… we’re not mathamatorians over here).
So there you have it dear Hoons. It’s time to start thinking about your stories and getting them in place below. The contest will remain active through Monday June 10th. That way we have enough time to ship off the goods to make the winners feel that much more special come Father’s Day. You don’t have to be a father to win though, heck you don’t even need to know who you’re father is/was… we assume everyone had some sort of father figure in their life though.
If not… um, we’ll have a contest for you later in the year.
A big thanks to Meguiar’s for sending over these prizes and supporting this contest!
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