Welcome to the Hooniverse Classic Captions Post, and it’s that time of the week in which this feature appears, so let’s review the premise; I search for images that were used by the car or truck companies in their print advertising or brochures, and it is your job to provide a humorous caption that is some how tied in with the image. This week I thought we would once again travel to a far off destination, this time with a converted Renault, but we will get to that in a moment…
Last time, we had an image of a Toyota Corolla in Paradise, and the participation rate was awful, so I better up my game and find images that are more to your liking… The runner up caption belonged to I_Borgward, and it was very appropriate, but first a history lesson… Around the time of the Second World War in the Pacific, there was a cult that was started on Tanna in Vanuatu, which was also called New Hebrides during the time period. It was called the John Frum Cargo Cult, and gained traction during the 1940’s when over 300,000 American troops were stationed in New Hebrides during World War II, bringing with them an enormous amount of supplies (or “cargo”). I_Borgward used this as his contribution to the Caption Contest, and it went like this: “John Frum, he did come… oh, what a feeling!” Historically accurate, tied in with the image, and very well done, but there was one caption that was the favorite among the Hoons that frequent this site… And the winning comment was from mkep819, and his caption went like this: “Did you know that 15 minutes can save you 15% on your car insurance?” “Everybody know that.” “Well did you know that Geckos’ taste great fried in mango sauce?” A great take on the current GEICO Ad Campaign which was quite funny, so congratulations mkep819 on taking the top spot with this edition of the Hooniverse Classic Captions… It’s now time to take a look at this weeks entry, and I thought I would once again pull an image from Paradise with this ad for U-Drive, Inc. This was a rent-a-car service that you could rent these types of Beach-Wagons with a Tape Player that was your invisible tour guide to the sights and sounds of the islands. The image is a wonderful depiction of the late 50’s Island Life, where the women are all in swim suits, and the weather is always picture perfect. It is very different from how you experience Hawaii (or any other Pacific Paradise) today, but would this print ad entice you to book your vacation to this part of the world? (You can click here to see the full size image) You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will deliberate on the merits of each entry, and after contemplating our own caption (Did you know they still make these types of buggies? Click Here!), we will pronounce a winner. So, get to work and create you’re own caption for this image from paradise. Photo Credit: Alden Jewell’s Flickr Photostream
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