Classic Captions – The 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner Edition


Welcome to the Hooniverse Classic Captions Post. This is a series of postings that are set to go off around this time almost every Tuesday (when I’m able to produce these postings), so let’s review the premise; I search for images that were used by the car companies in their print advertising or brochures, and it is your job to provide a humorous, snarky, or thought provoking caption that is some how tied in with the image. I really like this type of imagery (70’s Vintage Advertising) so see if you can come up with a clever caption for this amazing image.


Last week, we had an image of two lovely Eastern European women showing their modeling skills, and the comments flew fast and lose (most were not even about the image at all, and I thank you all for that) so let’s see who managed to come up with a great caption. We actually received three great captions this time, with smalleyxb122 coming very close with this piece of work: “My German is a little rusty, but there are two women standing here, and I swear I heard them say something about three and sex.” Very funny, and a clever tie in with the name of the car.

Then Irishzombieman was next up to the plate with his very long and amusing storyline that went like this:

Once upon a time, not too terribly long ago but a good while back, some damned fool physicist, probably trying to impress a girl, divided by zero with one hand while using the other to smash atoms with a really big hammer.

Something happened.

No one really knows what, but there was a BRIGHT LIGHT and a BIG BOOM and when all the dust settled nothing in that land really worked the same ever again.

Doors appeared in open fields and opened to hallways in other galaxies. Whole towns floated away into space. Chickens barked like dogs.

In one village, three and six were suddenly, inexplicably equal.

Later investigations have determined that this was caused by a small black hole that appeared suddenly inside a small German car as it sat outside a restaurant. This black hole, later referred to as 3=6, eventually inhaled the entire town before mysteriously winking out of existence (in this universe, at least).

One single photo made it out of the town, and appears to show 3=6 immediately after it appeared.

The photo, lableled DKW 3=6, looks like a car ad, doesn’t it?

Actually, it’s the last moments of life on earth for Dagmar and Kierstin Winkel. They look happy enough, but that’s just 3=6’s extreme gravity distorting their facial expressions. Their odd posture is similarly explained. Moments later, they crossed the event horizon and ceased to be.

Of note, what appear to be yucca plants in the background were actually 50-foot-tall big leaf maples. The gravitational effects of 3=6 have distorted the light before it reached the camera’s lens.

However, it was a clever tie in from Vavon that took the prize this time, but it needs some explanation. You see, at one time DKW produced these cars in Brazil under the DKW-Vemag name, and, well, I’ll let Vavon continue:

Woman 1: Men just don’t understand us…
Woman 2: Why do you say that?
Woman 1: I told my husband I wanted a little Brazilian…
Woman 2: Yes, and..
Woman 1: He got me this DKW Vemag!.
Both women: Hahaha, Men!

It’s now time to take a look at this weeks image. This is a period advertisement from Chrysler Canada showcasing the 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner. I really can’t tell if the car is suppose to be on a shipping dock, or an industrial complex, but there is no denying that there is at least one bare mid section on display for all to see here. You know, I used to own a similar pair of pants during this time period (His, not hers…) so I can almost relate to this time period. Ahhhh, the era of tacky clothing and strangled Muscle Cars… no wonder the 70s were so messed up. You have the next 5 days to come up with a truly memorable caption, and I know you will. (You can click here to see the full size image)

The editors will then go over each enntry, and after re-living our own disco era nightmare we will pronounce a winner. So, get to work and create you’re own caption for this great image.

Photo Credit: Alden Jewels Flickr Photostream

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74 responses to “Classic Captions – The 1973 Plymouth Roadrunner Edition”

  1. topdeadcentre Avatar

    "Why yes, I did choose the color to show off my nice hood bulge!"

  2. $kaycog Avatar

    Yay, Vavon! Félicitations, ami ! Pour votre bon travail, voici un DKW 3=6 pour vous.
    <img src=""width="500"/&gt;

    1. Irishzombieman Avatar

      Yeah, Vavon! Nice!
      You might have trouble finding Sierra Nevada Bigfoot over there in your neck of the woods, so I give it to you as this week's prize. I shall deliver it personally, as soon as I get rich.
      <img src="; width="250/">

      1. pj134 Avatar

        Ah, the ole put him to sleep so he can't win this time technique. I like it. At least, that's normally what happens when I drink a barley wine.

        1. Irishzombieman Avatar

          I have to remind myself every time that it's not normal beer. Great stuff, but best shared out to at least one other person.

          1. pj134 Avatar

            My brother bought a case of old horizontal once a few years ago. That case lasted longer than any I've seen him purchase.
            <img src="; width="250/">

      2. Vavon Avatar

        Thanks man. We can meet halfway, in France! 😉

    2. Vavon Avatar

      YAY!!! Thanks Guys (yes $kay, you're one of the guys too) it's as if I got one of these!!!
      <img src=""&gt;

      1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
        mr. mzs zsm msz esq

        <img src=""&gt; Congrats Vavon, I am WAY too afraid to google little Brazilian here at work (you know the joke, a little person – from Brazil) so for your prize a little Pug instead, I hope you don't mind it's not topical this time. Great caption!

        1. Vavon Avatar

          Thanks friend!

  3. muthalovin Avatar

    Not my caption, but what it looks like to me is they are at a race track paddock. See the dude with ear muffs?
    My caption: Dude with ear muffs: Oh yeah, she screams.

    1. LTDScott Avatar

      Earmuffs? No, man, that's just how they cut their hair in the 1970s!
      But seriously, I don't see any earmuffs? It looks like the guy in the background is wearing a racing suit and has racing goggles/glasses hanging from his neck.

      1. muthalovin Avatar

        I am going with earmuffs, mostly because I just got okayed by my optometrist, and I don't want to go back any time soon.

        1. P161911 Avatar

          Go to the giant size original image.

        2. LTDScott Avatar

          I just looked at the gigantic full size version of the picture, and they're clearly goggles. So off to the eye doc you go!

          1. muthalovin Avatar

            So, I was right about the racetrack, though, right?

          2. LTDScott Avatar

            Yeah, looks like they're in the hot pits.

          3. muthalovin Avatar

            Be-goggled guy: I'd like to get in her hot pits, knowwhatimsayin knowwhatimsayin?

          4. Tomsk Avatar

            I'm 98% sure it's Mosport.

        3. OA5599 Avatar

          Revoke that optometrist's license. How could he ever say your vision checks out? He tells you to read the bottom line on the eye chart, and whatever the actual letters are, you say "N-S-X-N-S, uh, it looks like an X-N-S-X."
          Firesuitdude is holding a helmet. How is he supposed to wear those "earmuffs" inside it?

          1. muthalovin Avatar

            Man, I didn't even see that helmet. God, how did the state of Texas say I was okay to drive here?!

          2. jeepjeff Avatar

            They never made my wife take the road test for her to get a license. Bit lax down there.

    2. Irishzombieman Avatar

      *cough cough* goggles *cough*

  4. P161911 Avatar

    "Yeah the Plymouth has a V-8. But I'll show my slant six baby!"

  5. $kaycog Avatar


    1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      Or….”I’m sorry honey, but I don’t allow halter tops in my car. You’ll have to remove it before you get in.”

    2. Vavon Avatar

      As usual with $kaycog, no beating around the bush!

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        Of course not………you've known me a whole longer than most here.

        1. Vavon Avatar

          Oh $kay!!! Read your phrase out loud… I bet you wished you had put a "lot" in there somewhere!

          1. $kaycog Avatar

            Oh, crap! I've made myself blush, and now it's too late to edit.

          2. Vavon Avatar

            Reads back his own phrase… "I bet you wished you had put a "lot" in there somewhere!"

          3. $kaycog Avatar

            Now you're making me blush. This is too funny!

          4. pj134 Avatar

            Shame on you for making $kaycog blush.

          5. $kaycog Avatar

            It all comes back to the shaming, doesn't it? 😀

          6. pj134 Avatar

            Always does. Too bad Scandinavian Flick didn't fire first on that one. Would have lead us down a very long road if he had.

          7. $kaycog Avatar

            A very long road, indeed! (And a lot of fun!)

          8. Scandinavian Flick Avatar
            Scandinavian Flick

            Hmmmmm, kinky…

          9. $kaycog Avatar

            Snaturally! ;D

          10. pj134 Avatar

            Well, there we have it. It took about three years for us to completely kill your moral code.

          11. $kaycog Avatar

            I'm a slow learner, but you guys have totally corrupted my morals. I really thought that might go over everybody's heads.

  6. Devin Avatar

    High-waisted plaid pants and the new '73 Roadrunner, two things that will never go out of style.

  7. Vlad Avatar

    Plaid-pants dude: you know babe, I go from zero to sixty in under 10 seconds, too.
    Bare-middrift girl: that's nice, but I'm looking for a man with more staying power

  8. MVEilenstein Avatar

    Is this a KFC commercial that didn't make the cut?

  9. Alff Avatar

    Later, the girl in blue confided to her friend, "Yes he's got A-plus hair, but only a B body."

  10. OA5599 Avatar

    2 Girls 1 Coupe.

  11. Sjalabais Avatar

    After I invested in checkered pants, I have always reached the goal first. Even in my Plymouth.

  12. wisc47 Avatar

    Hey baby, my Roadrunner isn't the only thing around here with a TorqueFlite.

  13. Number_Six Avatar

    Jim's '69 Roadrunner would keep getting him action well into the '70s.

  14. vetteman61 Avatar

    "Linda, we don't want any paint chips; Don't you think we should put a bra on the Roadrunner before our roadtrip?"
    "I don't wear one, why should the car?"

    1. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
      mr. mzs zsm msz esq

      Why yes vettemah, your comment did prompt me to scroll back and click on the original full size image link, thanks!

  15. fodder650 Avatar

    Fresh Russian brides right off the boat and waiting for you.

  16. Batshitbox Avatar

    Plate just 'bout says it all.

    1. smalleyxb122 Avatar

      1973? 1 X 9 X 7 / 3 = 21
      You’re wrong. 1973 only says half of it.

  17. Tomsk Avatar

    Not until later (about nine months, in fact) did Gordon find out that the Acme-branded condoms that came with his new Road Runner were merely novelty items. In hindsight, the picture on the wrapper of Wile E. Coyote standing among a litter of diaper-wearing cartoon coyote pups whilst holding up his trusty "Help!" sign should have been Gordy's first clue.

    1. joshuman Avatar

      Have you seen Hotel Transylvania?
      [youtube QeidYPV0Zog youtube]
      Replace the wear wolves with human kids and that was eerily similar to my bed last night.

  18. mr. mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
    mr. mzs zsm msz esq

    Umm… yes, sure I was in that TV show.

    You're a model and aspiring actress? No way, you should be on TV too. Hop in my … Torino and I'll see what I can do.

  19. dwbf11 Avatar

    Ellen had enjoyed her date with Bachelor #3 at the nondescript industrial complex, but she couldn't figure out why a man in a racing suit and his attractive companion were following them the whole time. Once outdoors, however, it all made sense. She quickly realized that all of Bachelor #3's talk about his "Power Bulge" was actually about his 1973 Roadrunner.

  20. OA5599 Avatar

    We are two wild and crazy guys.
    [youtube DPy1D-bsFDE youtube]

  21. Irishzombieman Avatar

    "No. It's no coincidence at all that my pants match the upholstery in my car. It *is* odd, though, how the car's headlights match your own."

  22. IronBallsMcG Avatar

    She: "I said I wanted a new Swinger."
    He:"I know…"

  23. skitter Avatar

    Confidentially… I like your top better than his.

  24. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    Wait a minute! Who's the chump in the plaid pants? I'm the frickin' racing hero! *I* should get the blonde chick in the halter!

  25. toxicavenger1 Avatar

    Ass Gas or Grass
    Nobody rides for free.

  26. Arco777 Avatar

    Fred was excited about the wife swap, but more so for the fact that Tom's wife would actually let him open up the Roadrunner.
    He was so tired of hearing the nagging about his "gas guzzling noise maker" that he was ready to "smog choke" someone.

  27. Roberto G. Avatar
    Roberto G.

    Guy with pleated pants: …"yes, indeed I'm gay! …but how did you guess?"

  28. Alcology Avatar

    So you're a race car driver?
    Well no, but I do know how to drive.
    Much like his roadrunner, Paul usually said the quiet part loud.

  29. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    "So, what happens if I squeeze you here?"
    "Meep meep!"

    1. Vavon Avatar

      I tried that once, it didn't end well!
      <img src="; width="470/">

  30. HycoSpeed Avatar

    Nice shoes…

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