Welcome to the Hooniverse Classic Captions Post, and it’s that time of the week in which this feature appears like clockwork, so let’s review the premise; I search for images that were used by the car or truck companies in their print advertising or brochures, and it is your job to provide a humorous caption that is some how tied in with the image. This is the 8th time that I have used a Corvette Advertising Image for this particular feature, but we will get to that in a few moments…
Last time, we had an image of an Apple II Computer being carried out to an Oldsmobile, and the response level was fairly large, and for the most part, they were quite entertaining. However, there was a tie for the runner up position this time, and in all reality I didn’t care for either one. Let’s start out with a caption from a relative newcomer, steamcorners, and the caption submitted went like this: “Oregon Trail: B-O-P Special Edition. “You have died of malaise!”” Ah, I see that you are new around here steamcorners, and you could have created a great caption without relying on deriding the word Malaise, but it was a great first effort. It is now time for you to create an Intense Debate Account, so the rest of us can follow your interesting conversations here on Hooniverse! Now to the comment that tied with steamcomers, and it comes from long time Hoon needthatcar. His comments are usually priceless, but not this time: “Unable to afford anything but a 7 year old Oldsmobile, Brad Jones and his son were happy to hear about the Rodney King riots and went out for an afternoon of father-son looting.” Let me say this, I love all the work that you do, not only here but on your own blog, and I know that you can do much better… I didn’t like it needthatcar, but apparently the readers did so who am I to judge? I still would like you to participate around these parts because your past efforts have been stellar… And the winning comment once again came from GTXcellent, and it was very humorous with it’s deadpan simplicity: “I don’t know anything about buying one of these computers son.” “That’s ok Dad, you don’t know anything about buying a car either.” This one is called insult humor, and it was spot on for this image, so congratulations GTXcellent on winning the classic caption contest this time. It’s now time to take a look at this weeks entry, and I once again went back to the treasure trove that is Corvette Advertising, with this image for a 1963 Corvette Sting Ray Roadster. Just look at this image… It shows a smartly dressed older Gentleman in the drivers seat of a red Corvette Roadster, with a Great Dane sitting in the passenger seat, towering over the windshield. The ad copy is amazing in itself: “looks like a sports car… feels like a sports car… performs like a sports car… HOW COME IT’S A LUXURY CAR?”. The ad states that you can get all sorts of luxury car features with this Corvette, like an Automatic Transmission (for God’s Sake!). What puzzles me is this: What does the Dog have anything to do with the Corvette? Let’s see if you can make sense of this image by providing a witty caption of your own! (You can click here to see the full size image) You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will deliberate on the merits of each entry, and after contemplating our own caption (Why a Great Dane in the passenger seat?), we will pronounce a winner. So, get to work and create you’re own caption for this dog-gone image. Photo Credit: Alden Jewell’s Flickr Photostream
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