Welcome to the Hooniverse Classic Captions Post. This is a series of posts that are set to run this time each week, so let’s review the premise; I search for images that were used by the car companies in their print advertising or brochures, and it is your job to provide a humorous, snarky, or thought provoking caption that is some how tied in with the image. This week the image is from a Japanese Micro-Car Company!
Last week, we had an image of a Couple of Daredevils around a Plymouth and all the responses were pretty good. Both of the top comments came with images this time, so let me try and set this up for the runner-up. You see, there was this very bad Science Fiction series called Alien Nation, a spin-off of the successful movie of the same name, only the lead actors were different. Instead of using James Caan for the lead as Detective Sykes, the television series used Gary Graham. And instead of using the brilliant Mandy Patinkin as the alien detective George Francisco, they used a very close copy in the form of Eric Pierpoint. It was our very own mdharrell who decided to tie in this television series with the caption contest with this observation: “Seriously? Roller skates? No wonder you switched to police work.” How this ties in with anything is beyond my perception (I have to admit, I didn’t like the movie, and despised the series) but it was one of the top vote receivers, so way to go!
However, it was another image that seemed to garner the most votes this time. You see, from 1985 to 1990 there was a sit-com called Mr. Belvedere, with the lead character played by Christopher Hewett. It was Batshitbox who tied a image of Hewett (Image to the left) with this great caption: “…aand that’s how I met your mother.” Very funny, and very clever, so bravo Mr. Batshitbox!
It’s now time to take a look at this weeks image. This is an image for the Cony Guppy, launched by the Aichi Machine Industry Company Ltd, in 1962. This was an ultra-light truck smaller than many mini vehicles that were for sale in Japan at this time period, with a loading capacity of 100kg. In addition to its low price of ¥225,000, the Cony Guppy featured four-wheel independent suspension and a torque converter for clutchless operation. Production ended after a little over one year, with less than 5,000 units manufactured. This is a very period image, and you have to wonder what those boxes contain. What do you think the guy in the pickup bed is saying to the girl? And when do you think Godzilla is going to make landfall? Only you can make sense of this image, so let’s see what you come up with this time. (You can click here to see the full size image)
You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will deliberate entries, and after contemplating our own caption, we will pronounce a winner. So, get to work and create you’re own caption for this interesting image
Photo Credit: Alden Jewell’s Flickr Photostream
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