Classic Captions – The 1956 DeSoto Fireflite Convertible Edition

advertising images1-001 Welcome to the Hooniverse Classic Captions Post, and yet again, it’s that time of the week in which this feature appears, so let’s review the premise; I search for images that were used by the car companies in their print advertising or brochures, and it is your job to provide a humorous caption that is some how tied in with the image. This week we have a very puzzling image… Any guesses as to what this daring young couple is witnessing? 6885319053_32a3e69846_o Last time, we had an image of two women antiquing in a Pickup, and the participation level was awful, so what I really want to know from all of you is this: Was it the image, or is this feature all played out? Let’s continue for now, with the runner-up comment that was from Irishzombieman☆, and it is quite interesting, a bit melancholy, but still entertaining. Here is the link to read it, as I really don’t have the room to print it in its entirety. However, there was one comment that seemed to be the overwhelming favorite of the readers this time. And the winning comment was from mdharrell, and his comment went like this: “Always ahead of his time, Mort failed to convince anyone that mounting those two chairs behind the cab, facing rearward, then adding a set of grab handles would ever catch on. His frequently repeated explanation that “it’s a good place for the brats” was later to haunt his declining years.” This was very clever, so congratulations mdharrell on winning last weeks round. It’s now time to take a look at this weeks entry, and it is an image for the 1956 DeSoto Fireflite Convertible. This image is a real puzzle to me, as I really don’t know what the Ad Men at Chrysler was trying to say. Remember, this was at the height of the Cold War, and the dawn of the Nuclear Age, so I’m thinking that the hearty young couple pictured in their brand new DeSoto Convertible is witnessing some sort of Nuclear Bomb Test… at least that’s what it looks like to my eyes. I mean look at the sky all around their White and Yellow Convertible… It seems to match the hue of the car, as well as their outfits. Maybe they are watching the Reno Air Races, or possibly some other sporting event. If they are, why is everything so Yellow? (You can click here to see the full size image) You have the next five days to come up with a great caption. The editors will deliberate on the merits of each entry, and after contemplating our own caption (I’m sticking with the Bomb Theory…), we will pronounce a winner. So, get to work and create you’re own caption for this unusual image. Photo Credit: Old Car Advertising

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