The new car stuff has been fun lately, but now it’s time for a brief update on my old Benz. This is my 1974 W114 Mercedes-Benz 280 sedan that serves as my daily driver. It’s in decent shape for a car that’s 43 years old. Still, it has some issues that need to be worked out.
Recently, the headlight switch decided to crap out on me. In the process of taking that out, I have to remove the entire gauge cluster. I also need to address some trim pieces on the Benz. The driver’s side door seal and window channel need to be replaced, as does the side mirror bolt cover.
There’s more to cover on the car, but I’m going to save that for a future Shift Happens where I actually drive the thing and talk about what that’s like.
For now, please enjoy this update on the Benz as she sits in my garage… waiting for parts to arrive.
An update on my 1974 W114 Mercedes-Benz 280
16 responses to “An update on my 1974 W114 Mercedes-Benz 280”
Playing with old cars is much more fun than reading about new cars. I really like this old MB (except maybe for the yellow headlights). Get this on SH sooner than later!
It’s currently not starting. It seems that my headlight switch assembly is part of the ground circuit so now there’s zero happening when I turn the key.
New headlight switch assembly hopefully arrives in a day or two.-
Bummer! Who would have thought the ignition could be impacted by a bad headlight switch? You’re lucky to have tracked that one down quickly.
congrats on all the things you’re doing yourself (or planning)
ah!, the wombat, I eagerly wait for the news
off-topic old car question: has anybody installed rear seat belts on a car that didn’t have them originally? (not even as an option).
according to the local laws, every car should have seat belts front and rear regardless of the build date. the 46 DeSoto had front seatbelts installed on the 80s, but not rears. and looking at it, there seems to be no place where to attach them semi safely.-
PO had three sets of lap belts put in the rear of our ’54 Ford. IIRC they’re simply through bolted to the floorboards.
I forgot to mention that the law says that they should be 3 point seatbelts, only the center one is allowed to be a lap belt.
The issue is with the shoulder bolt. I guess the solution would be to add some sort of structure going from side to side behind the seat, as high as possible, but it sounds like way too much trouble.-
The package tray should be high enough on most vehicles. If not, perhaps a little stand off bolted to the tray would work. I’m thinking of something not unlike the structures mounted to the seats in my Alfa…
You are right, I will look into that.
By the way, that Alfa looks very nice, great interior color -
I does look nice. It’s not mine. Mine is a bit more “rustic”.
rustic = rural?
I would refer to motorsport regs on mounting harnesses – they usually require a spreader plate to mount to body sheetmetal.
thanks, I will check that
How did you get the gauge cluster out? Need to do the same on my 73 220D
This is the easiest part!
YouTube it to see for yourself to be sure, but you just get a pry hook in each side and slide it out. It’s held in place by a rubber strip, not screw or bolts.
On the back side, you’ll have an oil line (10mm), power cluster, speed cable, and two small attachments on the right side that slide out and are related to lighting.
It’s SUPER easy to get it out.
That steering wheel was worth every penny you paid for it. Definitely classes-up the car.
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