In the eternal struggle between the city’s road crew and green-space crew, the next move belonged to the gardeners.
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Your Tax Dollars at Work
I can't wait for them to mow the grass and all it says is, "TOP". Then I will go out with a 5 gallon bucket of white paint and a roller and underneath it write, "BOTTOM" just to confuse the locals.
I was thinking of painting "GEAR" under it.
Now I'm kicking myself for not seeing that. Well done!
I was thinking more like "SPEED".
The locals are already so confused that they drive on the wrong side of the road.
If there were a gas station up the street, "OFF" would work. Good for business.
Ha! Reminds me of this classic:
<img src=">-
Ugh, Image Fail! Go here:…
<img>” target=”_blank”>
Just about as good as this fix by Los Angeles Public works. -…
Just as good as this completely safe fix was by Los Angeles Public Works.
(I hope this isn't a doubly post, my last one disappeared.)-
Looks like thse guys must be fans of…
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