Greig Howe of Bournemouth, Dorset doesn’t let something like his environmentally conscious choice of automobile get in the way of one-upping the neighbors in the Christmas Tree department.
Donated by the Forestry Commission (whose nominal charge is preventing the deforestation of Great Britain), the 50-ft tree is like a fluffy cat in that it’s more bulky than heavy, and is easily towed by the medium blue G-Wiz, according to Mr Howe.
Once safely home with his be-ornamented prize, he carefully cut it apart and placed it in the front tower of his Dorset townhome. A crane was used to put the top-most piece on the roof.
Top Gear has dunned the G-Wiz with being the worst car in Britain, but it’s obvious that they just haven’t experienced the extent of its capabilities.
Source: [The Daily Mail]
You Should See His Yule Log
Hmm… Trendy enviro-car, tidy and stylish townhome, over-the-top holiday decorations…. I'm going to go out on a limb and say this guy doesn't have a wife to complain about his nutty behavior.
Au contraire, Alff, I'm willing to say that the woman wears the pants in that relationship.
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