Winter Weekend Edition – Alfa Romeo 75


The last post on the Winter Weekend theme is a re-visit: this Alfa Romeo 75 was posted some time ago earlier, accompanied by a worn Opel Omega back then. Now, the Omega is gone, but the Alfa remains unmoved.

The Italian is left sitting on the same stretch of road as the earlier cars today, the Peugeot and the Audi.



After being documented in April of last year, the Alfa hasn’t decomposed much more. It’s been left alone, it seems, and no-one has pilfered any parts off it. Then again, I’m not sure if it even yields anything useable. The wheels do look nice on it, though.

The C-pillar has had some cryptic tag keyed on it, which might or might not be a swear word.



Unless anything strange happens, I’m sure I can go check the Alfa out again a year from now, and it’ll look exactly the same.

[Images: Copyright 2013 Hooniverse/Antti Kautonen]

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8 responses to “Winter Weekend Edition – Alfa Romeo 75”

  1. dj dass Avatar
    dj dass

    wow nice seeing a old skool car

  2. FrankTheCat Avatar

    </3 I'll save you bby

  3. lilpoindexter Avatar

    Can I still read HOONIVERSE if I've never owned an Italian car?
    I have owned a Merkur, however.

    1. HSA Avatar

      Technically, you can. But it's like reading a cookbook and never cooking.

  4. mallthus Avatar

    I'm sorry, but I believe the car now has snow on the INSIDE!!!
    There might have been some interior parts worth salvaging before, but I'd say most are well knackered now.

    1. Paddy81 Avatar

      I fear you're right… I can see snow inside the car!!!<img src=";;;;; alt="Free counters!" width="1" height="1" border="0" /> <img src=";;;;; width="1" height="1" border="0" />

      1. julkinen Avatar

        Nah, that's just frozen moisture.

        1. Rover 1 Avatar
          Rover 1

          from the inevitable Italian car waterleak.