Engine vacuum – that free bit of force that powers our brakes, keeps the headlights down on our Lotus Elans, and provides the myriad of hoses under our hoods – oh what would we do without you?
Here’s an example of that kind of vacuum in action, and why you should keep the Hoover® away from your genitals.
Source: [Imgur.com]
Why Vacuum-Assist Makes Power Brakes Work So Well
Vacuum assist sucks.
I see what you did there.
How important is vacuum assist in the film industry?
It only seems importent to the Adult Film Industry.
It's a time-honored component of the casting process, for stage and screen alike… It's not who you KNOW, it's who you…
I think they call it the "casting couch.'
Okay, haven't seen that before…
I do not want to date the girl on the other end of that hose.
Sucking a golf ball through a garden hose would be no big deal for that broad.
I suspect this may be her. I'm scared, yet intrigued…
[youtube YOXw9tav3Qg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOXw9tav3Qg youtube]-
Unfortunately, YouTube pulled the video of her next trick with that rolled up frying pan.
I'm still up in the air about it.
Tag: It's Like a Juice Pack and a dehydrated 5-year old
I laughed harder at that than the vidja! -
Hey, that's a giant sized version of what my dad used to do to Budweiser cans on any given Saturday morning!
I do it three days a week, at the moment!*
*Disclaimer: I'm currently helping out at a recycling center
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