Cruising around this weekend in the Lotus with the windows down, RPM’s up reminded me that with beautiful weather now prevalent across MOST of the states (sorry northerners!) there’s going to be some fantastic shows this summer across the northern hemisphere. Conveniently for you we’ve compiled a number of them right here on our own little Hooniversal calendar.
Some of the May highlights include:
- Granny Groses Busses May 13-16 in Beavertown, PA – one of the largest east coast Aircooled VW campouts
- 24 Hours of LeMons May 22-23 in Kershaw, SC – this truly needs no explanation
- Gravity Park Rally May 29 in Chilton, WI – SCCA rallycross and coefficient 1 rally events, all indoors!
There’s many more so swing by the calendar and check to see what’s going on in your area the rest of the month.
And don’t forget to drop us an email on the tips line at if you have a cool show/cruise night/swap meet around your neck of the woods this summer. We’ll make sure to post it up for all to see.
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