Looking at my current choices in classics, you’d have me pegged as a Ford Guy. Untrue, it’s just that the window of opportunity (in the form of a driveway space) for bow-tie ownership has yet to arrive. When it does, a mid-60s Chevelle is at the top of the purchase list. While it’s widely known that black is The New Black, orange just looks so right on an old Chevy. This ’65 SS’s (yes, I really just typed that) rocking a pretty standard 327 + TH350 setup along with a mix of replacement and original parts. Overall, it’s super clean and not overbuilt, making it a bit of a rarity. At this point, I’ll admit it’s been a stretch to write this much, as all I wanted to say was “orange Chevy…droooool…”
eBay Motors with a starting bid of $12500. Auction ends today!
What is it About an Orange Chevy?
28 responses to “What is it About an Orange Chevy?”
Sexy. Very,very sexy. I want a muscle car or a hot rod sooo bad! But here in Brasil it's either too expensive or too hard to find one, so I'll probably have to build one myself. Oh well….
My default position for that is to build a go-kart then put in a ridiculous engine. Maybe something from a Hayabusa.
How about a shopping cart powered by an Ecotec 4?
That would also kill me. It's the reason I don't own a motorbike. Nor will I probably ever do.
Hahahahahhahaha. I'd die in an instant,man. Here, traffic isn't as…how do I put it?… organized as it is in the US of A. It's not at all unusual to see speed over 50 mph while driving in some avenues in the city here. And drivers are usually just as crazy as me. But I love it.
Wouldn't be that hard to tune an old smallblock to run on the ethanol you guys run down there.
it would still be massively thirsty compared to a typical ~2.0L car, though. Maybe find one with the 283c.i. (4.6L) engine, which wouldn't be too bad…maybe…-
Actually it's very easy and not only is it available at my backyard (really,my family own a plant that makes it. You guys are welcome to come for a tour anytime) but it also increases power. If you use force induction, by great amounts. turbo cars here run on it (the tuned ones anyways) beause it's so much cooler than gas. They never ever overheat. Plus, you can keep the stock pistons and compression ratio. I've seen turbos run 11:1 comp. ratios because of ethanol.
We need more orange tags up in Hooniverse. Damn yo, this is foxy. I have a very special place in my heart for Orange Chevelles. My uncle has one that is a full kitted out drag car. My dad and I keep trying to will him to take it down to pro-street for some serious hooning, but alas, he is unconvinceable.
I had a '65 Malibu SS when I was in the Army, stationed in Northern Italy. It was nowhere near as nice as this one, though. Mine had a 283 with a two barrel, and a Powerglide, so it was not all that fast. Ran fine on the autostrada, but sucked wind in the mountains. Still, it got some great reactions from the locals. I don't know how many times while at a gas station, I'd open the hood to check the oil or whatever, and someone would come up to gape at the V8.
hat's EXACTLY why I need a muscle car. Or turn one into one. oooh I need one bad!
And, it was loads of fun driving that Malibu in Italian traffic. Italians drive like maniacs, but know what they're doing. I LOVED driving there. Also, that Chevelle was twice as big as anything else there (except for the occasional Mercedes) and was an evil-looking beater, so it got loads of respect and extra room in traffic, which I never would have gotten if I had bee driving, say, an Alfa, Lancia, or Fiat 128, which were so common there in those days as to be invisible. That Chevy stood out, I'll tell you that.
Just to make it perfect, were you blasting Led Zeppelin or the such on the stereo? Please tell me you were….
Sometimes. Actually, I was really into Frank Zappa at the time, as well as Steely Dan, so that would have been blasting through the PX bought stereo. The Blues Brothers soundtrack was heard in that car, lots of Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Lou Reed and it was the early eighties, so also Kansas, Rush, Styx (sorry about that), Genesis, and of course AC/DC, gotta have that. I started getting into real rock and roll, Punk Shit, after I left the Regular Army and got back to the States.
In the Spring of' 81, I was given a '69 Chevy Nova (250 I-6, three on the tree) as a high-school graduation/ get-out-of-town/ write-when you-find-work present. And while I was already way into punk-rock, the car came with an eight-track cartridge of AC/DC's "Back in Black" already in the stereo when I got it, and it just lived there. I must have listened to that tape five thousand times in the three years I owned and attempted to hoon that car, and when I sold it (so i could buy a '77 Toyota Celica GT), I made sure that cartridge was in the deck.
Very nice choice, Mr. Science. I've longed for one of these since high school. A guy a few years ahead of me drove a red mid-60's Chevelle with a massive hood scoop to work on nice days… and my dad still has his '72 SS sitting in the garage awaiting restoration.
Ode to Orange
Orange cars,
for the most part,
are damn sexy.
Think about it.
A Camaro is alright,
but orange makes it tight.
A Mazda6 is rad,
but orange makes it bad.
A Ford Edge is a grocery getter,
but orange makes it better.
Chevrolet just does orange right, from Chevrolet Engine Orange to Hugger Orange. I think Google should know what I want when I google "The Hugger" for an example but no, they have failed me once again. Now I present you my favorite orange Chevy with bonus white Yenko stripes
<img src="http://image.superchevy.com/f/16157143/sucp_0903_01_z+1969_yenko_camaro+top_view.jpg" style="width: 640px; height: 480px; border: 0" alt="imgTag" />
Absolutely. I don't know what it is about Chevy but they can nail a Orange Car better than anyone.
I really dig the more upright greenhouse on these old 60's sleds, and to their credit Chevy (and to a lesser extent the rest of GM) did it better than anybody.
I lean more towards Ford myself, but also believe in credit where due and yes, I would be proud to have that in my driveway.
Maybe it IS the orange. TexanIdiot's Chevy truck is one of the few I've ever liked, and it also happens to be orange…
There's an orange ~69 Jimmy (GMC K5) by my house that I covet. Deeply.
Well, it isn't orange and it isn't American iron, but I think all you hoons will like and appreciate this:
It's only certain shades of orange. I only like the vibrant, slightly red leaning oranges. Not the pale orange or burnt orange. Honestly, I usually prefer darker colored cars… Funny I end up with a 5000 lbs traffic cone.
Basically, this (dirty needs to be wax, so it looks darker than normal)
<img src="http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e321/texan_idiot25/0_14.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Vs. This
<img src="http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e321/texan_idiot25/ivwgolforangeconcept05jul.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">-
Yeah…This truck rocks!
Right after my dad left for college, my grandparents traded their ancient '63 Biscayne wagon for a brand new '72 Chevelle Malibu in, you guessed it, Hugger Orange. Bummer.
I've become less and less of a classic Chevy fan in recent years. I'm tired of seeing them more than any other car (and I've grown to despise General Motors, but that's another story. Everybody and his brother has a Camaro or Chevelle SS, usually modded in tasteless ways. And I just can't make myself care. However, a pristine stock Chevy from the era, particularly a non-SS is still something special. And the factory Hugger Orange cars are still knockouts. But an orange hot rod Chevy? Meh.
Orange cars are kind of like red-headed people, they really stand out in a crowd. The first thing my buddy said as we were unloading the '72 Honda I bought on E-Bay off the truck was:
"OMG, The very first thing you have to do is paint that thing white!"
"Why…., I kind of like the color?" I replied.
"Because when they tell the cops it was a little white car, they'll go "Yeah, whatever", but when they say it was a little orange car, every cop in town is going to know exactly who it was and where you live."
Orange and teal are probably my favourite colours on '60s Chevys. I dunno what it is about teal – it has to be a light, faded-ish metallic colour, but it looked perfect (along with full hubcaps and a white roof) on a local guy's '68 Bel Air.
Of course, then he spraybombed it black, which wasn't nearly as nice.
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