Poor Kristen. All she wanted was an unrealistically low estimate for some front-end damage (probably caused by inattention a la mascara application), so she posted an ad on craigslist for all to see. What she got in return was a healthy dose of Hooniverse-approved BS. That being said, bully for her for not buying it. See the rest of the thread here.
Thanks to Brian for the tip!
Well That's Yer Problem Right There! – Headlight Fluid Edition
23 responses to “Well That's Yer Problem Right There! – Headlight Fluid Edition”
I think that's the same asshole that sold me my turbo encabulator, when my old one wasn't even bad. (I had it checked)
Pretty funny stuff…be sure to check out the rest of his helpful e-mail resposnes.
Hilarious. Reminds me of Don Novello's alter ego, Lazlo Toth.
THATS TRU, IT HAPPENED TO ME THE OTHER DAY! My trans totally esploded from no headlight fluids.
I think it is called "optical viscosity breakdown" -
See, this is why you don't trust the internetz. I can tell just by looking at that picture that all she needs is a bit of a hood alignment and a kaneuter valve.
I strongly suspect that by 2015, the Germans will find a way to engineer fluid-filled headlights.
Of course, they will not have headlight fluid pumps (too easy). They will be sealed units that can only be serviced by some weird specialty tool at the dealership at a cost of $120/hr. The fluid will cost $45/liter.
The automotive internet will be full of commenters/forum jockeys arguing over whether the improved optics in the new 6Xdrive43i Hybrid Dynamics over the Chrysler GP Cruiser's "old school" HIDs are really that much better. Invariably someone will be called a douche and someone will be called a mouth-breathing midwestern pig fucker.
12 years after these models are introduced, the aftermarket will figure out you can make the specialty tool using a funnel and a cake icing nozzle and that corn syrup mixed with ATF is a perfectly viable replacement fluid. Independent German specialist mechanics named Klaus will disagree.-
"Invariably someone will be called a douche and someone will be called a mouth-breathing midwestern pig fucker."
Who knew the internet had Cliffs Notes? -
I think you just distilled the entire internet auto world into a single 7 sentence diatribe. Bonus points for "6Xdrive43i Hybrid Dynamics" – which is as you well know only a couple of characters away from being an actual BMW model name.
On my first car the muffler bearing was going out. It made this aweful racket, but the car still seemed to perform OK. Since I was a poor college student I couldn't afford to fix it, and I figured it would be OK. We didn't have the internets back then, so I couldn't easily research the issue. Well, on my way back to school for the 2nd semester of my freshman year the entire back end of the car just vaporized…along with all my clothes.
If only the internets had been around then to warn me.-
That's why I keep a bottle of STP Muffler Lube n' Spark Plug Degausser in my trunk at all times (also, it's good for cleaning the carbon scoring off your turbo encabulator!). Vaporization is not a laughing matter!
Naw, wasn't the muffler bearings, the heat lifters seized. Common misperception.
I'm actually missing a muffler bearing right now, but as long as the muffler doesn't get shoved to the left it's okay. (Trouble is, there's only one hanger bearing my muffler these days. Dunno where the other one went.)
I'm actually missing a muffler bearing right now, but as long as the muffler doesn't get shoved to the left it's okay. (Trouble is, there's only one hanger bearing my muffler these days. Dunno where the other one went.)
Regarding the website, now I have been introduced to yet another work time waster. Dammit! How am I ever going to find time for being productive?
I second this. Productivity just went to shit. The most recent one had me laughing and then crying on the floor: http://www.dontevenreply.com/view.php?post=84
Awesome. Quite the effort taken with all the photos, and actual guns, or excellent photoshop skills!-
Too funny!!! I was dying in laughter at that one!
Ahahahaaa. Dumbass. Brilliant. Now I too can not work, even more, due to that site.
dontevenreply.com is awesome. I've been reading it for a while and it never gets old.
Kinda like a mix of SHAZBOT! and ROFLCOPTOR
I don't think the Z really stands for anything. Kinda sarcastic OMG.
ZOMG! no really?
Kinda like OBGWTFBBQ
The inclusion of extra more-or-less meaningless letters is sort of an admission that the acronym is silly, overused, or a big jumble of letters.-
Actually, just looked it up:
The "z" was originally a mistake while attempting to hit the shift key with the left hand, and type "OMG"
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