In the follow-up to last post’s third generation Honda Accord coupé, you can see the fourth generation car tread similar water as the Acura-branded cars. Especially in sandy beige with frying pan wheels, the newer coupe manages to look somehow Legend-like. Not legend-ary, as that would have stolen sales from the bigger coupe relative, right?
Again an American development, the CB body car does much the same as the preceding car. The biggest engine here was a 2.2-litre version of the F-series engine.
But drop the suspension just a touch, choose the wheels convincingly and the car manages to look fairly excellent from some angles. Still, the crucial thing to do here is…
Choosing red leather. It looks amazing here.
Naturally, the glorious redness extends to the dashboard and even the shift lever. That eagle logo in the steering wheel is the Honda of America sign, also seen in the C-pillar of the car.
Weekend Edition: The 1989-1993 Honda Accord Coupé
Wheels and a drop take these from staid to handsome. I’d rock one if somebody forced me to buy a car with usable space in the backseat.
I can’t help but smile at your presentation of this as a reasonable step up spacewise. It’s a gorgeous car, no doubt.
It is a reasonable step up! I mean, it’s no limo, but there’s enough of a difference that I wouldn’t feel as bad asking my friends to ride back there.
Those seats could spark a debate,which car had the best factory seats?
Mercedes Benz or Volvo?
I’m biased, but definitely Volvo. Whereever I go in the world, when discussion turns to cars and my Volvo-itis surfaces, even the least car-interested know about Volvo seats.
Had a 244 that I miss to this day.
not volvo seats….
i know i know, 2 year old thread…. but the proof is in the picture, brochure photo.
Definitely not SEAT.
I think these were factory seats, but I’m not sure what kind of car. They look sporty; maybe a Mustang?
Not large enough for a big Ass.
My mom needed a new car, so we all went around to a bunch of dealers. Took a while. Eventually we went to a Honda dealer. They had a dark green metallic Accord coupe, with tan leather for about fourteen grand. V-6 with a five speed. I was totally impressed. Basically what the Nissan dealer was asking for a butt ugly stripper Sentra. DID I MENTION IT WAS A FIVE-SPEED? Eventually she went with a Corolla (also five speed – way to represent, mom!) and was quite happy.
The 5-speed is the way to go, for obvious reasons, but also because the automatic V6’s have a well known tendency to blow up transmissions. Or at least had for a certain period of time.
Dark green with tan leather – the ever elusive perfect combo for my “last owner” soul. I’d gladly settle for a dark brown 960 wagon, too, but the classic “British” colour combo is very hard to beat. I’m also surprised at how Honda is offered and perceived as one of the cheaper brands in the US – they are asking quite hefty prices in Europe. The Accord Tourer was never competitive because of that, and I’m surprised they manage to sell as many CR-V’s as they do.
No awkward hatchback here just a ‘Made in America Only’ wagon for the whole world. Perhaps the biggest ever selling US-made car in Japan. All Accord wagons, (and two door sedans), were made only in America.–_03-16-2012.JPG/1024px-1992-1993_Honda_Accord_wagon_–_03-16-2012.JPG-
And a proper EX. I hope it’s a stick…
Rarer than rare in wagon form, I believe. I’ve only ever seen LX manuals in wagon form.
Dat red though…
not mustang seats…. its a brochure photo….not a modified magazine.
After all this time.
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