From the photos you’ve seen so far, it’s probably been a no-brainer to deduct Porsches were numerous at the Sportscar Breakfast Club event. This post is dedicated to them, and it is somewhat of a lengthy one.
Despite the Turbo-y, spoilerful appearance, this silver 993 isn’t registered as one. It’s very, very cool still, and the wheels suit it.
You probably paid attention to this 964 cabrio next to the Interceptor. Burgundy outside, mushroom-ish inside.
This 928 had a mean snarl about it. Judging by the plates it’s either an original Finnish-registered car or a very early import.
I flat out refuse to shop the plates of this 928. The joke would be ruined.
944S, 16-Ventiler. Excellent colour and a great shape.
I am very partial to good-condition 924:s, and this is even the S model with “the proper engine”.
From the sea of 911:s, a 912 rises. Such a simple shape.
1991 964 Turbo, 320 horsepower. The lippy wheels brighten the overall package even more.
The arranger’s car, Arttu’s 968. I wonder if the Bad Mother F*cker plates were intentional.
The newer generations mingled with the classic ones, too. I believe this 997 on Fuchs wheels had a vinyl job for the matte effect.
[Images: Antti Kautonen]
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