Saturday, 5:45 EST
On Friday, this olelongrooffan cut out of work a tad early to hot foot it over to Burt Reynolds’ hometown to help judge the Treasure Coast Builder’s Association’s annual Parade of Homes. I have been doing it for many years and, as always, this year was a treat as well. Last night we all were treated to Aps and Tales at one cool restaurant and enjoyed some live jazz at another while feasting on some excellent seafood dinners. Today, up early and a long day of checking out some seriously nice model homes. Afterwards, this olelongrooffan jumped in my longerroof and headed down Florida’s highway 9 for the three hour trip home. In Delray Beach, nature was calling so I exited and headed to the local Hess station to take care of business.
By now, I am sure my fellow Hoons are wondering what this has to do with Antii’s Our Cars post?
Well my fellow Hoons, after exiting that fine establishment, I jumped into my longerroof and turned the ignition switch to get back On The Road and the only sound emanating from beneath the bonnet was a series of clicking noises much like an extremely dead battery was present. Perplexed, this olelongrooffan popped the hood to evaluate what it was that was going on. After purchasing yet another set of jumper cables, I was able to persuade some dudes to give me a jump, alas to no success. I thanked them and they went on their way.
I called thejeepjunkie and related the symptoms and he told me the starter was bad on my longerroof. And this is after dropping 700 big ones on a new fuel pump last weekend! So what’s a Hoon to do stranded 120 miles from home with nineteen bucks in my pocket? Well, I called my best friend, a total non Hoon (but likes Hooniverse) asked him to rent a tow dolly from our favorite rental place and come pick up my sorry *ss. I did have to tell him that that tow dolly was for a 92 Honda Civic. He agreed and here I am waiting on a rescue and enjoying one of my favorite pasttimes, writing a post for my fellow Hoons to enjoy here in the Hooniverse.
Yeah some things even this olelongrooffan cannot make up.
Images Copyright Hooniverse 2014/longrooffan
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