Sold this old truck last month for my sister and her husband’s company. Got a great price for it and just received a text from the buyer up near Kansas City. (About 3 hours away). “Made it home no problem. Truck’s great. I appreciate doing business with good honest people. Thanks.” Of course I replied back with a thanks and “Honesty is under rated these days.” What does this have to do with a 1960 Ford pickup, longrooffan?” Well my fellow Hoons will have to make the jump to find out.
As I was heading up to meet up with the buyer of that box truck, this resale red beauty was parked in a ubiquitous Welcome Center parking lot which had no access from the northbound Eisenhour Highway System wanna be. So it ws a few hours later on my return home to my humble abode, this olelongrooffan was lucky enough to see was still resting comfortably in that parking lot.
And although this olelongrooffan prefers my stuff to be stock, those wheels and wide whites don’t bother me one bit. But not on a 1960’s era Starliner. And did my fellow Hoons notice the welcome center billboard in front of this ride? Yeah those places are everywhere.
This Custom Cab has a perfect red and white bench seat interior along with a clumn mounted automatic shifter. Yeah I was pretty surprised by that my own damn self.
This olelongrooffan loves a full on frontal and this pickemuptruck is no exception to that rule.
$13,500.00 IIRC. Sweet ride and it is an old school truck that could easily serve as a daily driver.
Weekend Edition: Long Shots: 1960 Ford F100
13.5k seems like a lot of money when glucker’s truck is proving how much labor is needed to make an old truck into a Daly. But damm it’s good looking
Great pics!
That’s so clean it looks like a 1:18 in an astonishingly good diorama.
Thanks Rusty….that means something coming from you.
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