Bloop-oom, Bloop-oom Some car washes offer brushless cleaning, others tout “hand wash” but if you really want your Mazda to be summer fresh, nothing beats a full immersion in the clorine-rich waters of an apartment house swimming pool. That’s perhaps what the driver of this hatchback 3 thought as he knocked down the fence and bellyflopped into the unoccupied pool. The Cobblestone at Eagle Harbor apartments in Orange Park Florida had to find somewhere else to do their water aerobics as it took the wreckers 4 hours to pull the car out, and by then its tires were no doubt all pruny from all that time in the drink. Long before the Mazda was ready to come out, the driver and his Golden Retriever escaped with the help of a neighbor. So, if you’re in the market for a Florida sub-compact, and are leaning towards a Mazda 3, you might want to check under the hatch for floaties before buying. Source: []
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