So this olelongrooffan would suspect those of my fellow Hoons, who have been hanging around here in the Hooniverse long enough, comprehend that each of we contributors to do just that in what I, altruistically, believe is a truly fun fashion. And we do so unconditionally and this olelongrooffan, in my own way, strives to contribute to it in just that way.
On a daily basis we contributors, with access to the tips@hooniverse hotline, receive a bunch of pics and links and the editors here sort through as to who gets what. Normally the esteemed Mister’s Emslie and UDMan get the fun and obscure stuff but recently when fellow Hoon gooberpeaze sent over these images, this olelongrooffan jumped up from my cubicle way way in the back with my hand in the air shouting “Please, Please, Can I have this one? Pretty Please with sugar on top!”
Well, my fellow Hoons, the Hooniverse Overlords agreed and this olelongrooffan has the pleasure of sharing gooberpeaze’s finds up there in Daphane, Alabama. Although it is “down there” for most of fellow Hoons.
All of the images of these airport limos were captured by gooberpeaze up there and, dang they are cool. Much like the GMCMH experience this olelongrooffan experienced a few weeks ago, to see this many of these, now, rare beasts in one location must have been a truly Hooniversal experience. Heck, I even contemplated doing a 20+ hour round trip drive just to see them myself in person. But then reality checked in and I realized the 1,200 or so miles I incur each week on my minilongroof, and this olelongrooffan’s body, are enough.
Surprisingly enough, these looooongroofs appear, at least from this distance to be in remarkable condition considering their age and the fact these were often used up and discarded like yesterday’s newpapers. Remember print newspapers my fellow Hoons?
But the variety of Ponchos that are gathered here in this lot lead this olelongrooffan to suspect some collector in the greater Pensacola, FL/Mobile, AL area liked them enough to collect them and keep them in the, mostly, pristine condition they are in to this day.
Yeah, the Stageway Coaches by Armbruster are positively riveting to me and I am pretty sure this olelongrooffan would much rather have one of these versus the full size vans that followed them into the airport transport business.
I mean, just look at that luggage rack up top! That there is fifteen feet of unrestricted goodness and the easy to strap down luggage rail around the perimeter makes this one easy longroof to strap old fashioned hard sided American Touristers to. Should the driver have the bulk to lift one into place.
While this particular 70’s era, suspected as such due solely to the steering wheel on this longroof, appears to be missing a few bits and pieces on its interior, a radio knob or two and a window crank can’t be that difficult to locate on some afternoon stroll, can they?
And the 400 c.i. engine under the hood of this one is still worthy of respect no matter what the weight of this longroof may be. And although no sales price of these longroofs was shared, that original tow hook surely is worth some element of respect when determining the IOE at the favorite race series for, I would suspect, most of we Hoons.
A whiles back this olelongrooffan dated a certain 5th grade school teacher from Dothan, Alabama who drove a Pontiac longroof of this same vintage. She loved that car, and although it wasn’t a Stageway conversion, she commented that she and her girlfriends could go anywhere and get away with anything. “Longroof,” she said, “No one suspected a bunch of girls in a station wagon would be doing the stuff we got away with.” A conversation with her father, James Taylor, revealed he knew exactly what those then teenaged girls were up to. But, as he relayed, “At least we knew where they were. We had the only Pontiac wagon in Dothan.”
But I digress. To have seen these beauties, all in one place, and to have been able to capture them, I am confident, especially knowing how much I would suspect we Hoons enjoy them, must have exhilarating for gooberpeaze.
This olelongrooffan only hopes my fellow Hoons continue to share this cool *ssed stuff with us so we can share it with the rest of our fellow Hoons.
And for more airport limo goodness, click here
Images: ©2013 Hooniverse/gooberpeaze, All Rights Reserved
Thanks Man.
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