Last month, we drove to the nearby town for some burgers and a stroll around the snowy streets. The burgers there are a good enough reason to drive over, and taking a couple casual photos of this Caprice wagon fit the picture.
The light blue colour of the car made it look even more wagon-like, but it’s a nice change from the usual navy blue or jet black. I don’t know which one I prefer, this or the Roadmaster.
It’s another example of something that’s been fairly ordinary in its day over the pond, but shipped over to snowy Finland it’s certainly rare enough to take a look at.
Wagon Wednesday: 1995 Chevrolet Caprice Classic
I’ve never noticed the rear window vents on the Caprice wagons before. That’s neat.
Roadmaster over Caprice, easily. The wood paneling, the vista roof, the extra options all help make it better. But it does sadden me the Custom Cruiser didn’t hang on a few extra years to get the LT1 upgrade (and also that more weren’t built).-
That’s an Olds…
But I get your drift.-
Oh, yeah, that’s meant to go with the second half, wherein I cover my affection for the more obscure Bubble B-Body
For years, these nose on these have reminded me of some other car – and, strangely enough, it was the addition of the indicator repeaters to the front fenders on this one that jogged my memory. It’s pretty close to the 1987-1993 Opel Senator. Not an exact clone, to be sure, but there’s definitely a resemblance.
I think it’s awesome and anything I’d expect from a American car. The sleek styling might ve been influences by the Opel Senator, but it also was a trend at the time. Think of the Audi 100, the Ford Scorpio with it’s US offspring from Ford / Mercury.
Besides, I think it’s probably one of the very few cars that can serve as a hearse, without the need of converting it to something longer. Just put down the rearbench and of you go. Practical!-
Agreed re: the styling; that was just the direction things were moving at the time. And it makes sense for GM in Detroit to see what GM in Russelsheim was up to, as well as vice-versa.
That said, I have a definite sneaking love for the Caprice wagons (and variants) of this time. A future project I want to undertake one day is to turn one into a vehicle capable of hauling six adults plus their luggage in air-conditioned overstuffed-sofa comfort at a sustained 140mph – 140mph being the speed necessary to go from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in two hours.
I’d venture that it would never see 140mph on public roads, but if it can do it on a track or strip, I’d call it a success.
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