Second only to flogging the living daylights out of our rides, we hoons love to scheme. For every hour spent under the car in the driveway, there are 8 more spend BSing on forums, browsing through catalogs and generally fussing about what we’re gonna do with the Country Sedan Falcon Uberbird Wrangler WRX Trailer latest project car. For hoons in the know, gearing is the killer app. Without the proper mix of tire size, rearend and transmission gearing, you’ll be bogging your puny 260ci or revving the hell out of your 390. Oddly enough, salvation comes at the hands of a sub-page on the long-dormant You put in your transmission, rear-end and tire size, and it does the rest, complete with the spiffy visual readout you see above. Sure, you could do the same with a spreadsheet, but it wouldn’t be as cool. Check it out at Hat tip to Ridelust
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