V.I.S.I.T. – The (high school) Graduate Edition

Dustin Hoffman's awkward early years.

This charming Italian runabout was spotted outside of a Quizno’s in Boulder. And it was too good to pass up.

Fiat may have built over 100,000 of the diminuitive 850 Spider, but here’s one that hasn’t succumbed to the whims of rust. Bertone supplied the bodies, while the regular 850 coupe/sedan supplied the drivetrain: an 843cc engine (817cc in America, for smog regs), mounted in the back and tuned to produce a rip-roarin’ 49 horsepower.
Fortunately Colorado drivers are much nicer than my familiar New England variant–the lucky owner did make it to Quizno’s unscathed, despite the jacked-up Tacomas and middle-aged guys on Harleys. Keep on truckin’, my good man.

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  1. P161911 Avatar

    Only a few years got the 817cc engine. Most years the US got the same 843cc engine. I drug a Fiat 850 home when I was in college. I ended up selling it by the piece on ebay. I still have a few more pieces squirreled away in a box that I need to put up there. For all I know there might be a few pieces of my car on this one.

    1. regalregalia Avatar

      That's a good hooniverse asks Q: "If/when you junk a car, what part would/do you save as a momento?"

  2. muthalovin Avatar

    Whereabouts Colorado? I am visiting Ft. Collins at the end of the month. All the way from Austin.

    1. bzr Avatar

      I'm heading to Denver tomorrow. I'd love to make a stop at the New Belgium brewery there.

      1. discontinuuity Avatar

        I'm in Golden. Give me an email (my username at gmail) if you want to check out any of the breweries around Denver or Boulder. The Stranahan's Whiskey distillery is also pretty cool.

  3. regalregalia Avatar

    Never noticed the Studi Avanti quality to the nose on this version before, I dig.

  4. FЯeeMan Avatar

    Upon first glance, I read "here’s the only one that hasn’t succumbed…"
    I'm probably not far off.

  5. nofrillls Avatar

    I'd take one of these cuties over a Spider Veloce any day.