This olelongrooffan has previously mentioned that I am now gainfully employed hawking trailers for a living. All sorts of trailers, car haulers both enclosed and open, regular old cargo trailers, open utility trailers, heavy equipment trailers. All sorts.
But one of the coolest trailers we sold recently was a used trailer. It is a tent trailer designed to be towed behind a motorcycle. I took this thing in on trade while my sales manager sold it.
Now this olelongrooffan can hear my fellow Hoons screaming, “What the hell is this all about ORLF?” Well Hoons it’s like this. The buyer of that motorcycle tent trailer drove all the way to Daytona Beach, Florida from Oakland, California to buy this thing.
On his bike.
Yeah, that’s right. 5,736 miles round trip on his Goldwing. I asked him “Why?” He looked back at me and said “I needed a tent trailer and you guys had the one I wanted. Plus I got to ride.”
Yes indeed he did.
Images Copyright Hooniverse 2012/longrooffan
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