Welcome to Thursday Trivia where we offer up a historical automotive trivia question and you try and solve it before seeing the answer after the jump. I know, I’m excited too!
This week’s question is: Who opened the Nation’s first drive-thru gas station, and where in the U.S. was it located?
If you know the answer, make the jump to see if you are correct. See, you don’t even need to have any Google-fu for this one.
Per explorehistory.com:
In 1913, Gulf Refining Company opened the nation’s first drive-in service station at the corner of Baum Boulevard and St. Clair Street in Pittsburgh PA. The pagoda-style brick facility offered free air, water, crankcase service, and tire and tube installation. On its first day, the station sold 30 gallons of gasoline at 27 cents per gallon. On its first Saturday, Gulf’s new service station pumped 350 gallons of gasoline.
Image source: explorehistory
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