As this olelongrooffan has been a lazy *ss Hoon of late the Hooniverse is running a bit light on this 30th Tuesday in this year of the Snake, this olelongrooffan thought I would share with my fellow Hoons a pair of sweet tudors I spotted recently out in the wild. Although neither of these silver ones are in the most pristine of condition, I thought they might be Hooniworthy enough to share. This beat up 944 is a freebee. Making the jump is necessary to see the other silver one this olelongrooffan spotted.
And this W123 has certainly seen better days. To this olelongrooffan, this one is the perfect counterpoint to the newest Hooniverse project car longroof that is comfortably residing in our Chief Blooger’s garage out there on the left coast. I need to find some young punk to gather those wheels and shoes to send that way. As if this olelongrooffan had those connections.
After this olelongrooffan spotted these two grey haired beauties, upon leaving that shop’s parking lot, I spotted the Blue Oval’s Interceptor replacement in the new Ford lot across the street.
What? These tudors aren’t Hooniworthy enough to make the cut? Well, my fellow Hoons, this olelongrooffan has learned a lesson or two about not posting blurry images of picnic tables and images of mundane F bodies by the General so I feel compelled to include a few images of a couple of other Blue Oval Special tudors this olelongrooffan recently spotted out in the wild.
Yes, my fellow Hoons, that is an Honest To God Merkur XR4ti. It is in immaculate condition and based on the fact that it is not always seen in its parking location whenever I am lucky enough to pass by, this olelongrooffan is calling it a quasi daily driver.
The reason I call it a “quasi daily driver?” Well, all of the times I have seen it in the parking lot of a local condominum, this Cosworth (is it a Sierra?) was not in its regular parking slot. Yes, that is correct. Not one but two of these beauties parked nose to nose out in broad daylight just waiting for this olelongrooffan to stop and gather some images for all ya’all.
Yes, that day I was able to capture both of these beasts in one image and dang was this olelongrooffan excited. A buddy of mine had one of these XR4’s back in the day and as cool as that car was, man-o-man, was it a handful of maintenance for my, still, non Hoon friend. Although he did later own a sleek black XJR. And based on the license plate of this Merkur, I am guessing a Hoon of the female persuasion is the driver of this automatic transmission equipped Hoonimobile. And before my fellow Hoons choose to mock this owner about parking etiquette, these are Cosworths!
But it wasn’t until I strolled around to the rear of the Cosworth and spotted this license plate that I knew, not just one of these, but both of them are owned by a female Hoon, whether she realizes she is a Hoon or not. Yeah, a Turbo Cosworth and a XR4ti owned by a Hoon of the other sex? This woman, along with another Blue Oval fan and Hooniverse regular, $kagcog, is a fellow Hoon this olelongrooffan can’t wait to have the opportunity to meet in person.
This white one appeared to be bone *ss stock and in pristine condition. From all corners this one looked great. And while this olelongrooffan is unsure of the exact year of these near twins, I am confident my fellow Hoons will agree it is gorgeous.
And, as there does not seem to the universal database of license plate idenification abilities here in the good ole United States as there is overseas, I would love to know the origin and vehicle these plates were original prescribed to.
While that black three pedal possessing Cosworth was just beautiful, I seemed, for whatever reason, to gather more images of the white one. The discoloration of the grille of it was the only flaw I could spot on it.
But as much as this sighting drew so many levels of excitement from this olelongrooffan,
this sighting extracted even more.
And know, it was a blast finding these, rare to this olelongrooffan, tudors to share, along with the mundane 944 and W123, with my fellow Hoons.
Til the next time.
Images Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
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