So the Miami Beach style bungalow this olelongrooffan calls home down here in the town that thinks its Lake is Worth something is about a fifteen minute drive from the dust factory I call my woodshed these days. While the ride is a tadbit shorter if I happen to utilize one of Eisenhower’s Highways to get home, as I spend alot of my day on this beasts, I usually take a bit more leisurely stroll, if you will, along the surface streets to reach my humble abode. And along one of those streets, Dixie Highway, there is a lot containing some rather mundane trucks. However they do have a couple on their lot that strikes the fancy of this olelongrooffan. This Series One Land Rover is one of them.
Now this one is not in pristine condition and this olelongrooffan doesn’t have one complaint about that fact. Sure the aftermarket spot lights out from are from a different generation and it has a few dents and dings, those mirrors and the remaining lights out front make this one desirable utility vehicle. As an aside, when I first acquired my old Waldo, thejeepjunkie and this olelongrooffan contemplated locating the spare tire for it in the same location as on this sweet ole Series One.
Factor in the soft canvas top, the lack of major modifications to it, the left hand drive steering and its original British version of military green, this softroof really trips the trigger of this olelongrooffan. Yeah, I’d Hoon it any day. Especially on the World’s Most Famous Beach.
Even the red jerry cans out back don’t deter from its attractiveness to this olelongrooffan. Now that Lucas Headlight smoke is another story.
About this time, this olelongrooffan can hear my fellow Hoons screaming “How is the sighting of this cool Series One (a term this olelongrooffan reserves for Land Rovers and XKEs BTW) behind a cage have anything to do with a V.I.S.I.T. post?
Well, my fellow Hoons, I grabbed the images of that softroof Series One a coupla weeks ago and a few days later I spotted this longroof version on the street down at the intersection of Dixie Highway and the tracks.
When this olelongrooffan spotted this even more desirable version of a Series One Land Rover, I immediately started rummaging about in my backpack for my now daily driver image taker. To me this SUV, well really just UV, is one of the coolest around, at least today anyway, even if it was a RHD.
But when I passed by in my minilongroof and flashed that elderly driver (as if I am one to talk) a happy thumbs up, he returned it in kind and we both meandered off to our lives, I hope equally as content with having shared a moment of appreciation for his mode of transport.
Images: ©2013 Hooniverse/longrooffan
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