Truck Thursday: Long Shots: 1963 Jeep FC150


So last week, this olelongrooffan was trying to stay off of Eisenhower’s Highway System and sticking to surface streets in my attempt to slow my life down a bit and take a moment to smell the exhaust fumes. Well, my fellow Hoons, this olelongrooffan was successful in this endeavor as this 1963 FC 150 was spotted down in Riviera Beach at a local, to that area, repair facility.


I was cruising through the construction zone that is US 1 in that area of the concrete jungle that represents the southeast section of the Sunshine State and spotted this beauty at that cornerside facility just before getting to the big bridge over the Palm Beach water port just to the south.


As this olelongrooffan spotted it as I was passing by, I had to traverse that big bridge over that port but, in an attempt to satisfy the voracious appetite for all things Hoon of my fellow Hoons, I whipped a Ueee and headed back across that arched bridge to capture some images of this now rare pickemuptruck.


This olelongrooffan chatted it up a bit with the owner of this establishment as he was working on a forlorn pressure washer of which my fellow Hoons can spot the hoses attached in the above image. Turns out this rusty, but delightful FC belongs to him and he asked if this olelongrooffan was interested in purchasing it?


When I inquired about the purchase price of this hump back bed possessing truck, he mentioned he was looking for $30 large for it. My immediate thought was that no matter how rare this truck may be, this, at that price, would definitely gain the recognition of a mention for fellow Hoon’s NPOCP listing.


And although the shiny red and white paint job was nice, and the under bed mounted spare tire location was to-die-for, the amount of cancer on this one disqualifies it from further consideration by this olelongrooffan at any price. The last time this olelongrooffan spoted one of these I was out in the mile high city but that one was a 170 and a longbed. acarr260, you still have that azure one stowed safely in the garage?


Plus, I have already had one FC vehicle of this vintage in the form of my olestationbus and this olelongrooffan is not really in the market for another.


No matter how pretty that face is.


But this Audi resting comfortably out front would be another experience all together.

Image Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan

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18 responses to “Truck Thursday: Long Shots: 1963 Jeep FC150”

  1. acarr260 Avatar

    Yes, I still have mine hiding in the barn. For some reason, I'm not very surprised that you remember it. $30k seems outrageous to me, but I've only seen one other FC in the flesh, and it sits outside of an auto shop, mocking me every time that I pass by it. Mine has less rust, but a non-original paint job and it is a flatbed.

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar

      The olelongrooffan has a memory like an elephant.

      1. acarr260 Avatar

        Well, he did ask for first dibs, should I ever decide to sell the old gal…

        1. MVEilenstein Avatar

          And he won't forget it!

    2. Neen85 Avatar

      I've seen another in Colorado…somewhere south of denver to be as vague as possible.

      1. longrooffan Avatar

        Was it the long bed white one with a snowplow attachment out front that I spotted in Denver a couple years ago? Click the link in this post to see it.

        1. ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq Avatar
          ˏ♂ˊ mzs zsm msz esq

          I can't find the link, it's probably somewhere, just me is being me.

  2. GTXcellent Avatar

    I continue to be just dumbfounded/amazed at the current values of what have traditionally been not overly collectible vehicles – forward control anything, first generation Broncos and especially VW Transporters. Is it nostalgia? Is it a by-product of the muscle car/hot rod markets getting so out of control expensive?

    1. MVEilenstein Avatar


    2. longrooffan Avatar

      The same premise holds true for old longroofs. Prices on them really started shooting up about eight years ago.

  3. MVEilenstein Avatar

    Nice find, and thanks for always flipping a Ueee for us hoons. Good to see you around here again.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      BTW "Ueee" is now the official spelling, in my book.

      1. Vairship Avatar

        It shows both the trajectory as well as the sound of the tires…

  4. dukeisduke Avatar

    OLRF, you must have a very understanding boss.

    1. Batshitbox Avatar

      Emslie? I hear he's an absolute sweetheart! Of course he understands OLRF has to take some time off to hawk trailers once in a while.

    2. longrooffan Avatar

      dukeisduke: The reason I wasn't around for a couple months was the fact that I was busy as hell putting out fires at my new job. As those fires have been extinguished, I now have the time to pursue what I find enjoyable and the over 1,000 miles I travel a week allow me plenty of opportunity to do just this. Plus my OldAJ is not a Hoon and will most likely never find out. I justify these detours by noting that I usually have my lunch hour on the I95 Cafe, said lunch consisting of a homemade sammich and a diet sodie pop out of my power port powered cooler while enroute to another project. Yeah rationalizations are better than sex. Ever gone a day without a rationalization?

  5. salguod Avatar

    Second to last image, in the background on the right. (This game was more fun with the Comanche.)

  6. Rust-MyEnemy Avatar

    These are so cute, like Lilliputian cabovers. I want one to tow a (light) 5th wheel trailer setup.