Welcome to Track Tuesday where you are asked to identify a (maybe) famous race or test track from just one closely-cropped aerial image. This week, it’s a big blob. Good luck!
Hat tip to Longrooffan for this week’s suggestion!
Image: ©2016 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved
Track Tuesday: Name That Track
Looks like a hoon’s private compound. Needs a drag strip though.
Wonder how that property owner to the left likes his neighbor having a race track?
If you look closely, it looks like there is a path through the trees. My guess is it’s so they can come over and yell at their neighbor as he drives by.
Wild-ass guess: a cold-weather test facility in the northern Minnesota forests.
I cheated and did a reverse image search. http://www.naplesnews.com/business/test-track-may-roar-once-again-with-corvettes-sports-cars-ep-391090231-330865971.html?d=mobile
Good: Disused test track being turned into a circuit
Bad: “Country Club” track, so few people will get to drive it…
Good: …until that business model tanks like it did at all the other “Country Club” tracks and they start holding open events
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