Welcome to Track Tuesday where you are asked to identify a (maybe) famous race or test track from just one closely-cropped aerial image. This week, it’s a large intestine and a small intestine. Good luck!
Image: ©2015 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved
Track Tuesday: Name That Track
A track inside a track?
/non-constructive comment-
“When I was a child, there were nine planets. Now, there are ninety planets.”
“I do this every night with your son.”
Jerez, methinks.
Yes. Came here to post this.
Man, you are ON FIRE!
I’m going to make a stupid guess, based on the blue guard rails, Watkins Glen.
the google earth image i found had an older layout then the posted image, but hey, close enough.
at Jerez, Spain-
I had the right area. I was thinking the Portomaio track in Algarve Portugal.
Same arid looking vegetation.
The inner track looks like a karting track.
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