Track Tuesday: Name That Track

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Welcome to Track Tuesday where you are asked to identify a (maybe) famous race or test track from just one closely-cropped aerial image. This week, it’s a large intestine and a small intestine. Good luck!
Image: ©2015 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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  1. Sjalabais Avatar

    A track inside a track?
    /non-constructive comment

    1. Cameron Vanderhorst Avatar
      Cameron Vanderhorst

      “When I was a child, there were nine planets. Now, there are ninety planets.”
      “I do this every night with your son.”

  2. Tomsk Avatar

    Jerez, methinks.

    1. PotbellyJoe★★★★★ Avatar

      Yes. Came here to post this.

    2. Rob Avatar

      Man, you are ON FIRE!

  3. Fred Talmadge Avatar
    Fred Talmadge

    I’m going to make a stupid guess, based on the blue guard rails, Watkins Glen.

  4. Pauly WallNutz Avatar
    Pauly WallNutz

    the google earth image i found had an older layout then the posted image, but hey, close enough.
    at Jerez, Spain

    1. alex Avatar

      I had the right area. I was thinking the Portomaio track in Algarve Portugal.
      Same arid looking vegetation.

  5. dukeisduke Avatar

    The inner track looks like a karting track.