Topless and Super: Charger Concept Cars of the Late 60s


The late-60s “Fuselage” Dodge Charger represents a high-point in American Muscle Car style. Opinions to the contrary will be disregarded. That said, how do you take something awesome and make it more so? Go topless, of course!

The 1968 Topless Charger’s name earns it both the Most Literal and Most Likely to Horrify a Conservative Executive Titles. Alas, given the pictures we see here, there’s little to suggest they capitalized on the obvious marketing potential of a Statutory Grape Topless Charger. Dense prose aside, the Topless Charger shed its roof, shrank its windshield and covered the back seats with a nacelle-ed hardtop thing to be sheer awesome.


But wait, there’s more! What do you do with the Topless Charger once the novelty’s worn off (feh! as if that’s possible)? You make it Super! The 1970 Super Charger took everything you loved about the Topless Charger (heh) and added an electrically adjustable rear wing and the nosecone from the Charger Daytona. The result was long, wide, pointy and planar all at the same time.

Source:; Hat Tip to BJ from the Netherlands

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22 responses to “Topless and Super: Charger Concept Cars of the Late 60s”

  1. Tanshanomi Avatar

    Aeroscreens FTW!
    I love topless cars, and not just for the double-entendre. From the Fireball 500 to the Peugeot Peugette to the Arial Atom to a Brooklands-equipped Locost, this is the most motorcycle-ish cars can get, and I like that.
    "My epiglottis is full of bees!"

  2. citroen67 Avatar

    Why have I never seen these before? Unbelievable cars! I wonder where these cars are now?

    1. Tanshanomi Avatar

      I'm betting those are two iterations of the same car. Probably went to the crusher, knowing Detroit.

    2. FTGDHoonEdition Avatar

      Because you never knew any Dutch people posting about American muscle cars while referring to Russian websites. Got it?

  3. Tanshanomi Avatar

    The only way to top this is to make it monoposto.
    <img src=""&gt;

  4. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

    I think that Super Charger likes me.

  5. PowerTryp Avatar

    Holy hot car batman! those are hot cars!
    I'm not much of a Dodge fan past or especially present but those Chargers I'd give my left nut for, particularly the one with the Daytona nose. Massive, heavy, powerful and sexy, these cars are the full package. Kinda like me, except you'd never want to see me topless.

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  7. […] to see while the former are usually hidden away or discarded. The fellas at Hooniverse found some photos of a couple excellent Mopar show cars from the muscle era. It surprises me we haven’t seen more of these muscle show cars come out of the woodwork in […]

  8. […] to see while the former are usually hidden away or discarded. The fellas at Hooniverse found some photos of a couple excellent Mopar show cars from the muscle era. It surprises me we haven’t seen more of these muscle show cars come out of the woodwork in […]

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  11. d j woods Avatar
    d j woods

    they are the same car and super charger still alive outthere.and topless has been remade and looks great.i saw pics and info of topless remake being made at a” charger party” the owner throws a charger party where car familys go and camp at his place and eat ,talk and assemble a car from parts and more parts over a weekend. think it is on charger .com site?? iam building a 75 scampper a body topless with decked over rear is gone and working on deck cover.find and build and drive anything and screw ########### match and build sheet garage and enclose trailer queen,girlly cars… driven hard and often,,dj carguy

  12. d j woods Avatar
    d j woods

    new info topless remake at1968 topless charger===owner jim rodebaugh,,,,,and info on Winged WArriors site,,,,,,,,,,,,,,more info and dart concepts,,,,at carstyling concepts…………………..daroo I and II are dart scat pak cars…. my topless was a75 dart swinger with bad rust vinyl top,guy was selling all or parts and i drove it home for $350 6 cyl 4 speed and 3 sets of mags big bolt,disc brakes.plan is a scamp,nose with hemi scoop and 5 spoke mags deck over rear seat cut up and ride hard,,,djcarguy

    1. Alff Avatar

      I know a guy who owned the Daroo II almost 20 years ago. At the time it was in Seattle. Where is it now?

  13. Theola Mosko Avatar

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